Yikes, That Was Painful

Setec Astronomy

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
I was just at another forum that I don't go to much anymore, because I got a marketing email about a new product. So I was watching a poster try and walk back his bad initial review of the product, I guess because the forum sponsor is a sales channel for his patented product, and he got the "hey we sell your product, you have to help sell ours" talk from the "marketing manager".

Whatever, I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for saying the whole thing stinks of impropriety. Oh, did I mention the patented product got a plug during the polisher review? Along with a link to the forum sponsor's store where you could buy it. Not exactly the best way to give the impression of an impartial review, especially when you apparently panned it the first time.
One try and I found this other forum and review. Pretty funny that even posters in the thread try to comfort the reviewer on his earlier review. More reason I enjoy this forum, it's very clear what products AG wants talked about, which is fine since there's enough of them, and "honestly" reviewed.
Garry Dean Classic

I can't believe he had crap paper in his earholes
Garry Dean Classic

I can't believe he had crap paper in his earholes
Have you read those two threads. Some of funniest sh I've ever seen. And to think, people say AG gets upset when you talk about other products. At least they(AG) enjoy an honest review.
Have you read those two threads. Some of funniest sh I've ever seen. And to think, people say AG gets upset when you talk about other products. At least they(AG) enjoy an honest review.

Honestly, the pages load so slow I haven't had the oppurtunity to read the entire thread. Not sure when I'll have that kinda time

The DA they sell looks like the same Chinese crap everyone else is selling
Could I get a PM of the site or link guys. I don't have a clue what site your all talking about, but I would like to read the thread now :)
Lots of mudslinging all around, from both sides - some from people from whom I was a bit surprised to see it.
hey garry, thanks for putting the video together with your busy schedule these days. the comparisons between all of the DA's was helpful... :)
:iagree: Were you not a big poster there?
I was just at another forum that I don't go to much anymore, because I got a marketing email about a new product. So I was watching a poster try and walk back his bad initial review of the product, I guess because the forum sponsor is a sales channel for his patented product, and he got the "hey we sell your product, you have to help sell ours" talk from the "marketing manager".

Whatever, I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for saying the whole thing stinks of impropriety. Oh, did I mention the patented product got a plug during the polisher review? Along with a link to the forum sponsor's store where you could buy it. Not exactly the best way to give the impression of an impartial review, especially when you apparently panned it the first time.
I was just at another forum that I don't go to much anymore, because I got a marketing email about a new product. So I was watching a poster try and walk back his bad initial review of the product, I guess because the forum sponsor is a sales channel for his patented product, and he got the "hey we sell your product, you have to help sell ours" talk from the "marketing manager".

Whatever, I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for saying the whole thing stinks of impropriety. Oh, did I mention the patented product got a plug during the polisher review? Along with a link to the forum sponsor's store where you could buy it. Not exactly the best way to give the impression of an impartial review, especially when you apparently panned it the first time.

You should watch both videos entirely before you start passing judgement. You have no idea what you are talking about and you are here trying to start trouble.

I have the same opinion in both videos except for the sound of the machine, but I even maintained that it was louder and different than the other machines. Watch and you will see.

You are amazing...
We do not condone bashing of other members, forums, or companies. Keep it civil or this thread will be closed.
watched both the videos garry, and you made the same opinion made in both videos quite clear! good stuff!

Well I know better then to get involved in forum drama , I think this is a good time to get a few things off of my chest. We are all on various forums as guest of the forum owners. These owners have the utmost right to operate these forums as they see fit. Members owe it to said owners to follow these rules or post elsewhere. Personally I frequent various forums as I see many of the members here do the same. I like these various forums for many different reasons and see no reason to restrict myself to any one avenue of learning and sharing of ideas. Moderators have better things to do then babysit members that constantly want to stir up drama between members and or forums. All of these forums have something to offer.As Mike Phillips has often said "find something you like and use it often". It would be great to fire up the laptop someday and surf my favorite sites to see a ton of detailing info minus any drama. I know its hard sometimes not to jump on the bandwagon and many of us in the past have been guilty (including myself) of posting something before thinking it through. So maybe we all could take a deep breath and push away from the keyboard for a moment. Thanks for giving me a chance blow off a little steam. :)
I was just at another forum that I don't go to much anymore, because I got a marketing email about a new product. So I was watching a poster try and walk back his bad initial review of the product, I guess because the forum sponsor is a sales channel for his patented product, and he got the "hey we sell your product, you have to help sell ours" talk from the "marketing manager".

Whatever, I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for saying the whole thing stinks of impropriety. Oh, did I mention the patented product got a plug during the polisher review? Along with a link to the forum sponsor's store where you could buy it. Not exactly the best way to give the impression of an impartial review, especially when you apparently panned it the first time.

That's why credibility is paramount. A guy like Corey has it and has built his reputation on it. I don't put any credence in reviews from anyone other than someone I know and/or trust.
Well I know better then to get involved in forum drama , I think this is a good time to get a few things off of my chest. We are all on various forums as guest of the forum owners. These owners have the utmost right to operate these forums as they see fit. Members owe it to said owners to follow these rules or post elsewhere. Personally I frequent various forums as I see many of the members here do the same. I like these various forums for many different reasons and see no reason to restrict myself to any one avenue of learning and sharing of ideas. Moderators have better things to do then babysit members that constantly want to stir up drama between members and or forums. All of these forums have something to offer.As Mike Phillips has often said "find something you like and use it often". It would be great to fire up the laptop someday and surf my favorite sites to see a ton of detailing info minus any drama. I know its hard sometimes not to jump on the bandwagon and many of us in the past have been guilty (including myself) of posting something before thinking it through. So maybe we all could take a deep breath and push away from the keyboard for a moment. Thanks for giving me a chance blow off a little steam. :)

:iagree: With everything you say but the Red part