New SS vs. Old SS


New member
Jul 27, 2011
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Ive been reading up on the Mike Phillips Meguiars #7 method on single stage paints. My car is a '93 BMW single stage red. I was wondering if the same method applies to even the "newer" single stage paints as they do with the ones on the older muscle cars. Would my paint benefit as much from the #7 oils as the the older paints? There are a few select spots the I believe have "failed" and will not hold its color for more than a few days regardless of what wax is used. Once the hot sun hit the paint with the morning dew, its toast.
I plan to strip the car, clay it and moisturize the paint with #7 today. Friday I'm going to go over it with an extremely light abrasive just to get rid of swirls.

After I'm done with the swirl remover, should I go over it with another layer of #7? If so, will a wax like Megs #26 or Klasse SG bond to the surface after #7 has been used, or do I need to wash the car once again to rid it of the excess glaze? Thanks for any clarification.