Photo Assistance Needed

KJW Detailing

New member
Mar 20, 2007
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Im wondering if anyone on AG has the ability to merge two photos into a single photo, creating a side by side before and after look.

I do it a very archaic way and that's using MS Paint.

Open a photo in MS Paint, go to the Image tab click on it and select attributes and increase the width parameter to add enough width for the second photo. Then while still in paint, copy and paste your second photo into your MS Paint photo and move it to where you want it and then hit save.

Like this,


I know it's not a very good way gut it does work...

Ok, here is a few ways you could do it. First if you have Photoshop you can combine the two photos there with ease. You can use iPhoto to combine the pics. Or you can shop in the app store and download an app that allows you to combine photos such as Photo Frame (.99), Pic Frame (.99), Collage (29.99).

Personally I use Photoshop, but I have used the Collage on my iPhone and it is a snap.
If you want to do it the MS Paint way, there's a free app called Paintbrush that is basically the same thing as Paint but for Mac OS X.

Paintbrush | Home

I hope it's not against the rules to post the link, but since it has nothing to do with detailing I figured it'd be ok. Mods feel free to delete it if it isn't.
Ok just went into iPhoto to walk thru the steps and just found out that you can no longer do it in there. Sorry for stating something that is untrue. It has been awhile since I have worked in iPhoto doing stuff like that. First of all what version of mac software are you on. Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion?
Another really crude way that should work with all versions of OS X is to open both photos with Preview and then scale them and put them next to each other so it looks like this:


If you then hold down Cmd-Shift-3 it will take a screenshot and place it on the desktop.

Then you can just crop out the rest and you're left with this:


Simple, but it works.
Here is a quick down and dirty option for you using screen capture feature built into mac os.

First open both pics in preview using separate windows. (Open one at a time to do this.)


Then size the pics to your liking by dragging the corners of the preview window to scale up or down in size


Once you have them sized, move the pics to where they are touching. Then press this key combination (command + shift + 4) all at once. You will see that you cusor will change to a + design with numbers (x & y coordinates). Then all that you have to do is click (keep the button clicked down) and drag to select the area that you want, then release the mouse button. That will produce a screen capture of just that area on oyur desktop.


A quick and simple way to do what you are wanting to accomplish.
Another really crude way that should work with all versions of OS X is to open both photos with Preview and then scale them and put them next to each other so it looks like this:


If you then hold down Cmd-Shift-3 it will take a screenshot and place it on the desktop.

Then you can just crop out the rest and you're left with this:


Simple, but it works.

LOL seems to me you beat me to the punch, too funny. Same but mine allows you to select the area that you want instead of the entire desktop.
LOL seems to me you beat me to the punch, too funny. Same but mine allows you to select the area that you want instead of the entire desktop.

LOL I guess we think alike. Yeah my way adds an extra cropping step.