Need opinion on filter set up


New member
Aug 28, 2012
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First off I'd like to say I'm just a recreational detailer. I clean my lightning, work truck and some others every weekend and maybe other peoples' rides when they're not proficient enough to do it. Anyways, I live in Odessa, Texas and we are in a very bad water shortage. About a week ago we got our water well hooked up. It's the only legal way to wash at home and I must say the water out of it kind of sucks (who knows where it's been). I ran the well for awhile to get the sediment out and washed my truck. The water left white streaks and was almost milky, I can't tell if there's something in it or if it's really hard. It was different than the hard water I get out of the tap.

There's this filter set up that I was going to tee into the hose hookup on the well and hide for my personal use

Deluxe Clean Water Filter Kit, 2 step water filter system, water filter for car washing, inline hose filter

Looks high quality and well thought out... will it solve my heavily contaminated water problem? I've searched on here and other places and I've also seen de-ionizing set ups. However my circumstances are a little strange so I just want to buy the correct setup.

My opinion: I think it will work, but you might have to change the filter out a lot more than you otherwise might have to.