Waxes and sealants on OC?


New member
Sep 23, 2011
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I just got some OC and im going to definitely do my wheels, but im considering doing my car as well after i do my paint correction in a couple weeks.

Im hesitant to do OC because i really like my paint to have the slickness of a sealant or wax and ive heard conflicting stories as to whether anything bonds to OC.

I have BF Crystal Seal and WG DGPS, as well as Fuzion, BF Midnight Sun, and 845. Will any of these bond well at all on OC, if so how long will anything last? My car is garaged at night, but outside all day every day.

Any info would be greaat.

I just got some OC and im going to definitely do my wheels, but im considering doing my car as well after i do my paint correction in a couple weeks.

Im hesitant to do OC because i really like my paint to have the slickness of a sealant or wax and ive heard conflicting stories as to whether anything bonds to OC.

I have BF Crystal Seal and WG DGPS, as well as Fuzion, BF Midnight Sun, and 845. Will any of these bond well at all on OC, if so how long will anything last? My car is garaged at night, but outside all day every day.

Any info would be greaat.

I'm finding it to be a conumdrum myself, as I attempt to wrap my
thoughts-around/about-applying the versions of OC.

"Slickness": as it relates to the qualities; attributes; and even, perhaps:
'measurements of intensity'...Of LSP's.

(How does Slickness equate to Protection, if at all)

-Not that I have a plethora of LSP's, but the ones I do, seemingly to me, impart a slick-feeling
when touching the cured-results with say, a MF towel at the onset.

-(I've caught myself 'LSP-touching-too-much': Is this ingrained through societal/peer pressures?
Why am I risking inflicting blemishes to my pristine vehicles' paint?
Don't I get steamed when other folks touch my vehicles?)

That slickness, depending on the much discussed variables a vehicle encounters, may soon be departed.

-What's the recourse for, once again, having slickness return?
The same tried and true methods as before---
Some folks: Repeat ad infinitum. For others: Repeat ad nauseum.

UH OH...
Am I talking myself into a different LSP mindset as I'm advancing in chronological age?
(Only so many miles in them thar legs, or so I've been told.)

-It's been stated that OC is similar to adding a film/layer of CC.
If so, then it's not difficult for me to compare this with a re-spray:
Usually a 30 day cure-time is recommended before waxing/sealing...
Close to the total-cure-time-frame allotted for the OC's.

-And OC's 'relative-slickness' is supposed to increase, not decrease, as most non-Coating-LSP's will,
over that time period and beyond.

-The surety of my personal vehicles being Coated may indeed be nigh-at-hand.
-Only you can decide which LSP road(s)...no matter how slick... you will travel.



BTW (just curious/nosey):
Well that was an....entertaining, albeit confusing post, lol
Once the coating has cured, you can wax/seal it, but it won't last as long as it would if applied directly to the clear. The coating will eventually reject it because it is designed to shed contaminants.
permanon, reload and Optimum car wax are all lsp I read can be used to add slickness, I personally use reload and OCW.
Well that was an....entertaining, albeit confusing post, lol

Sorry about the confusion. LOL

In a nut-shell: One of the current OC's may not be for everyone.

Cracking open the nut (please don't say this applies to me :D):

-If these OC's may not have the slickness-attribute/characteristic
that many folks expect/desire in an LSP...

-Then, I suppose, one must take the aggregate of the other stated
OC's attributes/characteristics and compare them against those of
other LSP's; and then decide...if one outweighs the other...???

Again...An OC may not be for everyone.


Once the coating has cured, you can wax/seal it, but it won't last as long as it would if applied directly to the clear. The coating will eventually reject it because it is designed to shed contaminants.

I agree, it will likely come off in the next wash.

If I was going to put something on a coating, it would be a nice oily glaze. Sure it would wash off pretty quick, but it would up the bling factor for a week or two.
I've heard that Wolf's Hard Body is more scratch resistant than OC. But OC is permanent, where HB is semi-permanent (about 2 years). If AG carried Wolf's chemicals, I'd jump at the HB.
I just looked up Hard Body and watched a video on their site. Personally im not overly impressed with their application method or terminology.

IMO the fact that he says you paint should be "uber clean" is a bit annoying and quickly destroys any professionalism. On top of that, his applicator of choice is a piece of a MF he cut up.

That video made me not want to use their products, simply due to the fact that it doesnt seem like he knows what hes talking about.
