View Full Version : Klasse Expiration

10-22-2012, 09:38 AM
I have a bottle of Klasse AIO (1/2 full) that has been sitting in the garage for the past 2 years. The problem is I lost the cap, and so these two years have seen the AIO "cap-less".

Question is, will the AIO still be good to use? Has the product lost its integrity b/c of there being no cap, or has it retained its effectiveness in spite of the cap issue?

The pinhole sized opening caked closed from the inside, so it formed a quasi-cap,in a way, if you think about it.

Couldn't locate the Klasse manufacturer's website so i'll let the forum guide me.

For that matter, what's the general consensus on wax/sealant expiration?

Thanks Guys

Setec Astronomy
10-22-2012, 09:46 AM
Couldn't locate the Klasse manufacturer's website so i'll let the forum guide me.

For that matter, what's the general consensus on wax/sealant expiration?

There is no "Klasse manufacturer's website" because there is no Klasse manufacturer. Klasse is a brand created for the US market (and I think a couple of others) to sell a German product which is sold under a different name there.

Many sealants will separate into a watery layer and a more solid layer. It has "expired" if you can't shake them back together.

I would try your AIO, as long as it doesn't smell bad (not that it smells good when it's not bad), and works ok...then it's OK. A bad smell might indicate mold or fungus growth.

Nick McKees37
10-22-2012, 09:52 AM
I have a bottle of Klasse AIO (1/2 full) that has been sitting in the garage for the past 2 years. The problem is I lost the cap, and so these two years have seen the AIO "cap-less".

Question is, will the AIO still be good to use? Has the product lost its integrity b/c of there being no cap, or has it retained its effectiveness in spite of the cap issue?

The pinhole sized opening caked closed from the inside, so it formed a quasi-cap,in a way, if you think about it.

Couldn't locate the Klasse manufacturer's website so i'll let the forum guide me.

For that matter, what's the general consensus on wax/sealant expiration?

Thanks Guys

Find a cap that fits, screw it on and shake it well. Pour some into a clear bottle and if it's not separated it should be A-OKAY to use.

I've had a bottle of Klasse AIO that has not been stored at room temperature for almost 3 years now. Still as good as the day I got it. :dblthumb2:

10-22-2012, 09:59 AM
My Klasse AIO and Sealant Glaze are 7 1/2 years old. I have not used them in a couple years but they have been stored in my home the whole time and they "look" great. A little shake and I bet they would be as good as new. Having said that, I am pretty much sticking with Duragloss products these days.

10-23-2012, 12:35 PM
Pour some into a clear bottle and if it's not separated it should be A-OKAY to use.

Thank You, I just saved myself the expense of another purchase (until it runs out of course!).

I have another one though: What's the guidance in regards to paste carnauba? I have half-a-jar of S100 that i haven't touched in 3+ years. What is the shelf life of paste carnaubas?

10-23-2012, 01:41 PM
Thank You, I just saved myself the expense of another purchase (until it runs out of course!).

I have another one though: What's the guidance in regards to paste carnauba? I have half-a-jar of S100 that i haven't touched in 3+ years. What is the shelf life of paste carnaubas?

how has it been stored is the million dollar question?

Nick McKees37
10-23-2012, 01:43 PM
What is the shelf life of paste carnaubas?

Paste waxes, in most cases, have a longer shelf life than most car care products. It should be good for 5+ years, at least.

10-23-2012, 04:07 PM
how has it been stored is the million dollar question?

This one was in a dry basement 60-77 all year round. Looking forward to using in the spring then.

Paste waxes, in most cases, have a longer shelf life than most car care products. It should be good for 5+ years, at least.

Can you imagine a guy's face who purchases Zymol Royale Glaze and finds out the 5+ year shelf life was more like 2 Years fro some reason? Guess that would never happen though bc i'm assuming the more unadulterated the carnauba, the longer the shelf-life.

10-23-2012, 04:28 PM
This one was in a dry basement 60-77 all year round. Looking forward to using in the spring then.

Can you imagine a guy's face who purchases Zymol Royale Glaze and finds out the 5+ year shelf life was more like 2 Years fro some reason? Guess that would never happen though bc i'm assuming the more unadulterated the carnauba, the longer the shelf-life.

That may not be necessarily true. Styrofoam is about the most fake (manmade vs natural) substance out there. It's life out IN THE SUN is I believe thought to be around a million years!

Try the wax out on your car and let us know if you like the results!