Hybrid Engine


New member
Jul 26, 2012
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Hi all,

Detailing my 1st Hybrid Tomorrow (well 1st engine). Customer wants the engine bay detailed.

Anything in particular i should know besides covering all elec. components, etc.?
You'll see some cables wrapped in orange corrugated plastic tubing. DO NOT TOUCH THEM WITH YOUR HANDS.

Aside from that, treat it like any ordinary engine detail
I think the orange cables have an electric current runnig through em, and when your body touches them it shorts the wires from your electric current
There's really not much to be worried about when under the hood of a hybrid. When detailing anyway. The orange wires are the high current/amp wires to/from the charging mechanism, main hybrid battery, and the electric motors that drive the hybrid portion of the car. You can touch them all you want without any harm to yourself or anything else. Now if you go to hacking on them with a sharp object and get through the casing you will get hurt.

The main reason for the bright covering is to let techs that might be working on the car and emergency folks that might be working a wreck that those wires do not need to be cut or disconnected without the proper procedures.

We work on quite a few different hybrids in the repair shop I work at and honestly its just another car to us.