The truly best compound, polish and wax?


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Apr 13, 2007
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A topic says, what is actually the best product that you would use when you`re detailing your car from A-Z??
lol...everyone is going to tell you something diffrent...lets just say there is no bad product on the AG website...pinnacle seems to be one of my fav
scottgt said:
lol...everyone is going to tell you something diffrent...lets just say there is no bad product on the AG website...pinnacle seems to be one of my fav

I know, but one way or the other, it always tips one way ;)
Souveran paste will always be my favorite wax hands down! However sealants, polishes, tire gels etc are more hard to pick a favorite. There are just so many good ones.
Thlian said:
I know, but one way or the other, it always tips one way ;)
Not really. "Best" becomes very subjective, in a "the eye of the beholder" type of thing. Some people like carnubas, other like sealants etc. I think you'll find that quite a few of the boutique brands will give you very similar results, in some cases maybe identical. Some factor you have to consider is the type of surface you have, color, the product's ease of use and stuff like that. You just have to try different products and see what you like the best. Happy shopping.
yeah "best" is definately in the eye of the beholder. but from my observation i would say if you want the best of the best (in most if not all products) you should steer clear of products u can pick up at your local autozone. boutique products tend to be better in every sense it just amazes me. i recently got my order in and i had wolfgang sealant. i was expecting to have to scrub away to buff it off like i had to with the nxt wax ive always used. but nope, one soft swipe with a microfiber and it was gone and it looked much better than nxt wax could ever dream of. so those are my words of wisdom.
^^^^I agree, boutique products are usually whay easier to use than OTC. However there are some OTC products that will work just as good as boutiques like car wash shampoos and tire dressings. Compounds, polishes and waxes, boutique is definately the whay to go IMO.
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What's the best car? There's no way to answer that question either. The best is the product or products that work the best for you.
compound -- dont need
polish -- Menzerna
sealant --- UPP Polycharged
wax --- Pinnacle Souveran (flats) Sig Series II (metallics, light)
First of all I wanted to tryout Meguiars, so I`ve ordered up to do the car from cleaning to waxing, only PRO though......

Then later I`m gonna try something else.....
But I wonder, what`s a "boutique" and what does IMO means?

(.....kinda freshly, I`m not "all-into" thouse words ;))
Thlian said:
First of all I wanted to tryout Meguiars, so I`ve ordered up to do the car from cleaning to waxing, only PRO though......

Then later I`m gonna try something else.....
But I wonder, what`s a "boutique" and what does IMO means?

(.....kinda freshly, I`m not "all-into" thouse words ;))

IMO = in my opinion

To me, boutique means something that you can't buy OTC (over the counter), or something better than most OTC products, or something that you can only buy online :). There's probably other definitions out there.

Here's a definition from of "boutique": a small shop or a small specialty department within a larger store, esp. one that sells fashionable clothes and accessories or a special selection of other merchandise.
On a black car, our detailer uses Menzerna with a rotary and finishes with Mothers liquid carnuba with a PC. You should see the depth and gloss.
Thlian said:
First of all I wanted to tryout Meguiars, so I`ve ordered up to do the car from cleaning to waxing, only PRO though......

Then later I`m gonna try something else.....
But I wonder, what`s a "boutique" and what does IMO means?

(.....kinda freshly, I`m not "all-into" thouse words ;))
I hate to say this, but using Megs DACP is like driving an old Tempo, so give yourself a favor and get in a Cadillac.
Cadillac would be Pinnacle XMT line.
Polish: I've gotten great results by using Poorboys products, but just got a bottle of Menzerna in that I'm dying to try. I've been reading really good things about it.

Wax: Absolutely in love with my CG Pete's '53.
supercharged said:
I hate to say this, but using Megs DACP is like driving an old Tempo, so give yourself a favor and get in a Cadillac.
Cadillac would be Pinnacle XMT line.

Nothing wrong with Meg's is just they have a learning curve and not for a once a month user...Have you ever seen a car that Mike Phillips has done look bad..or Octane Guy...Or Joe from Superior is all in learning the right way to use the product...I used 80..83 ....82..1.. and 84 for years..and 3M also...infact those were my polishes before I switched over to Menzerna and Hi Temp ....reason I swicthed was Menzerna and Hi temp was easier to said you need to learn and master Megs and then they look great...I did not master them as I am week end warrior and not a full time person who has hands on them daily and learned to use them

boutique products will typically outpace mass consumption price point products for sale at Wally World. Why ?? Simple, they can use the best or better ingredients and sell in smaller quantities at higher prices to hobbists. It is also why boutique products typically specialize in one area of prep, although this is changing with the advent of several AIO's.