Zymol Ital?


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Apr 23, 2007
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Hello everyone.

I'm a long-time visitor, first time posting. Great web site! Thanks for all the helpful tips.

Jumping right in- both feet- I have a chance to get some Zymol Ital for a fraction of the cost. Has anyone had experience with this product? Is it a glaze or wax? How would it compare to Pinnacle or Menzerna?

Also, what ever happened to Sonax? Not much mention of the company on here.

I don't have any personal experience using Zymol Ital, but I've seen pictures of some high-end details using Ital and it looked good. Not sure if it was better than Pinnacle. And I didn't know that Menzerna made waxes?
sorry.. to be more specific..

I was wondering how Zymol - the product line compares to Pinnacle and Menzerna products, in general?
rags2rich's said:
Hello everyone.

I'm a long-time visitor, first time posting. Great web site! Thanks for all the helpful tips.

Jumping right in- both feet- I have a chance to get some Zymol Ital for a fraction of the cost. Has anyone had experience with this product? Is it a glaze or wax? How would it compare to Pinnacle or Menzerna?

Also, what ever happened to Sonax? Not much mention of the company on here.

Are you refering to new or old version of Ital wax? From what I've heard it is designed for soft italian paints, and probably is a good wax, but I'd stick with Souveran.
Killerwheels has some, I'm sure he'll chime in on his experience with it when he gets here. :)
Sonax = NTS7

Not tryed any of the Zymol products, sorry.
my friend uses ital on his porsche...didnt see any difference over souveran or any other high end wax...but if you can get it for a cheap price go for it...dont get me wrong it looked good...but unless i got it for the same price as souveran i would stick with souveran...

I appreciate the feedback guys, thanks.

I used mostly Sonax, Zymol and P21S products on my 2001 Porsche a few years back. Just now getting back into detiling since my girlfriend and I have both just purchased new vehicles.
rags2rich's said:
I appreciate the feedback guys, thanks.

I used mostly Sonax, Zymol and P21S products on my 2001 Porsche a few years back. Just now getting back into detiling since my girlfriend and I have both just purchased new vehicles.

ooooohhh fresh paint..whacha get? Do tell :)
The original Ital was not that special ... kinda looked like most carnaubas. The newer version (kinda a cantalope color versus yellow) is much better but runs around 360.00 for 8 ounces. I personally give Souveran the nod, looks as nice if not better at a fraction of the cost.

Sonax is revamped as NTS7 in the US as memory serves.
I totally agree with Scott. Souveran is as high as most can or should go unless they have the clients to support the cost of the Zymols.
ithe 7000 zymol wax that paul dalton uses dont they refill that for a lifetime??free. maybe its not a bad deal hmm takes alot of pinnicle wax to add up to that though. hmmm:p :p
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i wouldnt discredit it. It may be expensive (and no i have no used it) but you may fall in love with it.

I know personaly i dont think sov. is as great as it is made out to be. That is just MY OPION, everyones fav product is a little diffrent.

If you can get it for a fraction of the price then i would try it.If you dont like it there is always ebay oother C2C services.
trhland said:
ithe 7000 zymol wax that paul dalton uses dont they refill that for a lifetime??free. maybe its not a bad deal hmm takes alot of pinnicle wax to add up to that though. hmmm:p :p
There is another wax, that Zymol offers, cost about $2k, and also affers a free lifetime refill.
trhland said:
ithe 7000 zymol wax that paul dalton uses dont they refill that for a lifetime??free. maybe its not a bad deal hmm takes alot of pinnicle wax to add up to that though. hmmm:p :p

I believe I also read that it comes with 50 ounces. That's a lot more than I figured. I thought it was just another 8oz. jar or so.