Camera Help!


New member
May 17, 2011
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I'm looking at two similar cameras and would like to purchase one hopefully on cyber Monday. Can anyone give me some insight or opinions on these two.

Sony Cybershot DSC HX 200V
Cannon Rebel T3


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Well, that's a bit like comparing apples to oranges. The Sony is basically a "pro-sumer" product. It's in between a basic point & shoot camera and the Canon. You only get the lens it comes with, but they typically have a larger sensor for better picture quality (less noise). The Canon on the other hand allows you to change out lenses to fit the situation, however the appropriate lens could be many times the cost of the original camera body.

For a relatively cheap price example, I have a Canon XSi which is a 2008/2009 version of the line the T3 is part of. I paid about $900 for it including a 2nd "cheapo" lens. I think the body itself was about 600 + tax. However last year I added a lens that on its own was $800+ (well over the original cost of the body).

So you need to figure out what it is you want. If you just want something that's always ready to go, but doesn't give you the gorgeous pro level picture quality, then the Sony is probably a good choice. On the other hand if you want the expensive hobby that is a DSLR with buying extra lenses and such, then go with the Canon.
If you're spending big money on a camera, consider you're buying into a brand of optics. Canon wins that battle by a mile over Sony.
Take a look at the Canon T3i. It has a swing-out and adjustable view screen. Once you have that you'll have much more's a great option. Once you have a few years on your legs and knees you'll really appreciate it.
Great guys thanks for all the feedback. Starting to learn cameras feels like the first time you visited AG and had no clue what anything was.

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