Chunks in OCW?


New member
Aug 11, 2012
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Got my order in today which included a gallon of OCW. Since it came in a clear bottle I noticed that there were small chunks floating around in it and shaking the bottle didnt get rid of them. Is this normal for OCW? The product was pretty cold when I got it probably around 50 degrees since it was sitting outside. Could that have done something?
That happens when the product has sat for awhile. It's some of the UV inhibitors and they won't mix back in...but, they won't hurt anything either. It will not have an effect on the performance.
That happens when the product has sat for awhile. It's some of the UV inhibitors and they won't mix back in...but, they won't hurt anything either. It will not have an effect on the performance.

Thanks for the answer Chris. Does OCW need to be shaken before use?
Not really. There isn't really any separation's more like they get used from light exposure. I guess I actually do shake it up before moving from gallon to sprayer and before starting on a car...but, that's probably just habit.
researching on this as this is happening to my galon as well...
i liked the product so much that i decided to go for the gallon and after about 6 months of sitting around it has gotten chunky, although you say it doesnt harm anything when you spray it on and you dont see the chunks and go to wipe it you end up streaking the chunk of wax across the paint and its very annoying
I would say it is cold, I have noticed the past two weeks since it has been 40's or below in the AM here in SC that my OCW gallons that sit in my work vans have became clumpy, almost like a gel. It still works the same and a good shake will help the problem. I also will place the gallon in front of my pressure washers exhaust to warm it up and it will quickly liquify again.