View Full Version : Recent Fuzion "first timer"

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Klasse Act
12-03-2012, 10:10 AM
So I recently took advantage of the Cyber Monday sale where I bought a couple products and one of those was infact the forum favorite.....Fuzion!I bought the 3 oz size for a couple reason, one was price and the other was the fact that I've got some other nuba's in my line-up, including Dodo juice supernatrual stick, Griot's wax stick and BF nuba in the spray can. I like all of these products too, so I was curious to see how the Fuzion stacked up and I got my chance yesterday as it was 65 here in Chicagoland, pretty good for December 2nd.

My process went like this:

-ONR'd the car
-applied DG #101 w/pba to get things cleaned up a little and lay down a good base.
-then I applied BFCS for more protection and waited 45 minutes before the next step
-finally topped it with the Fuzion

Applying Fuzion was noticeably easier than other nuba's I've used so I had a good feeling about it right from the start. I applied a thin coat to the entire car and once I was done, I then removed it. It says you don't have to wait to remove it but this is just the way i do things and I've no problems in the past doing it like this with recent nuba's out there. It came off with NO dust what so ever and came off pretty easy. As far as the finish goes it was shimmering, a bit more "wet lookin'" than other nuba's I've used. In comparison I applied a coat of Griot's wax stick as an LSP in a 5 step process and it left the paint with a warm, natrual glow but this Fuzion leaves it looking VERY wetIm the MAN

I know this little 3 oz container will last me some time as I've got so many choices to use for an LSP that it will take me years and years to use up what I've got now, so I'm hoping the side hustle rears its head in the spring/summer of 2013 so I can purge out the other stuff in my line-up. I may offer the Fuzion as an "upgrade" to my customers as well.

So if there's any recent converts to Fuzion please chime in here with your comments, also those who've been using it for a while, here's your chance to talk up your productFeed back please

Chris's FX4
12-03-2012, 10:25 AM
Glad to hear you like it Klasse.:props:

Fuzion is definitely awesome and is one of the few waxes I enjoy applying by hand.

12-03-2012, 10:27 AM
Loved Fuzion on all the Porsches and BMW's I've done. For some reason, it lovvvesss those makes.

My Trans Am showed the metallic flake in it so much more as well with Fuzion. Top notch stuff!

Klasse Act
12-03-2012, 10:35 AM
I would've posted some pics but it was kinda cloudy when I finished and the sun was going down too but I can tell you that the metallic in my paint is poppin'!

This is surely going to the last time I touch the car before the snow comes, so we'll see how it holds up as its the LSP of choice right now. I like nuba's for LSP's going into winter as its not going to melt away like they seem to do in the summer time, everything has its place and its not to say that any of my syns couldn't handle the winter, I have them under the current LSP........somewhere, LOL!

12-03-2012, 10:45 AM
I'm glad that you got a chance to enjoy fuzion. I used it on my CRZ this past summer to top off a coat of WGDGPS and I was very happy with it. It was incredibly easy to apply and remove, which was a big bonus for me.

12-03-2012, 11:02 AM
Great choice in a wax! You should see a good 3-4 months of durability from it since it has some polymers in it; unless of course your winters completely suck lol. Winters down here in FL are pretty easy on waxes. :)

Klasse Act
12-03-2012, 11:36 AM
Thanks for the input Josh but "winter in FLA", what's that, LOL! I plan on going through my usual touch-free to keep the majority of the salt off of the car but when we get that rare day where its nice and between 35-40 degree's I'll be using the ONR for sure. I've never seen any damage by using the touch-free I've been using. I'm also going to see if my work will let me use an unused bay to wash my car before work on a Saturday, so I may be able to cut down on the touch-free washes right there. I helped detail a buddy's Camry hybrid a couple weeks ago and he told me whenever I wanted to use his garage in the winter to clean/detail my car I could, so I've got that option as well.

Sent from my SPH-M930 using AG Online

12-03-2012, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the input Josh but "winter in FLA", what's that, LOL! I plan on going through my usual touch-free to keep the majority of the salt off of the car but when we get that rare day where its nice and between 35-40 degree's I'll be using the ONR for sure. I've never seen any damage by using the touch-free I've been using. I'm also going to see if my work will let me use an unused bay to wash my car before work on a Saturday, so I may be able to cut down on the touch-free washes right there. I helped detail a buddy's Camry hybrid a couple weeks ago and he told me whenever I wanted to use his garage in the winter to clean/detail my car I could, so I've got that option as well.

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Yeah...you guys do have crappy winters up there in IL. Touch-free will help to get the salt off...but the chemicals they use will deteriorate the wax quicker, so you may have to end up re-applying at some point to be on the safe side.

Klasse Act
12-03-2012, 12:53 PM
Yeah I've heard that the chemicals they use are harsh and I guess they need to be since its touch-free but I'd rather have harsh chemicals than something actually touch the car, I think we all agree with that for sure. I'll probably end up applying a coat of something to the car sometime towards the end of January/beginning of February for sure, probably some Black Light and BFCS if I had to guess right now.

Does anyone know the nuba content % in Fuzion? I know Griot's wax stick has 35% and their ( Griot's) new nuba has a higher % than that even, just curious.

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Chris's FX4
12-03-2012, 01:05 PM
Does anyone know the nuba content % in Fuzion? I know Griot's wax stick has 35% and their ( Griot's) new nuba has a higher % than that even, just curious.

Sent from my SPH-M930 using AG Online
No clue but probably less than Souveran. Carnauba is very hard by itself.

Should be interesting to see how the Fuzion holds up on your car in salt happy Chicagoland. :laughing:

Johny B
12-03-2012, 01:11 PM
I've used FÜZION on my SUV and three others cars. I love this wax.Easy to apply and easy off without dusting.

12-03-2012, 01:14 PM
Yeah I've heard that the chemicals they use are harsh and I guess they need to be since its touch-free but I'd rather have harsh chemicals than something actually touch the car, I think we all agree with that for sure. I'll probably end up applying a coat of something to the car sometime towards the end of January/beginning of February for sure, probably some Black Light and BFCS if I had to guess right now.

Does anyone know the nuba content % in Fuzion? I know Griot's wax stick has 35% and their ( Griot's) new nuba has a higher % than that even, just curious.

Sent from my SPH-M930 using AG Online

I would take a touchless wash over salt and dirt any day of the week my friend!

12-04-2012, 10:13 AM
so honestly what durability should you expect of fuzion if kept outdoors 24/7 dd

12-04-2012, 10:34 AM
so honestly what durability should you expect of fuzion if kept outdoors 24/7 dd

Depends on the weather you're experiencing. Down here in FL where we don't have snow and ice, we could easily see 4-5 months (I saw this myself at one point). Up north where you have snow, ice and salt...it would be less. If I had to guess...I would say maybe 2 months and then it starts to deteriorate.

Maybe someone up north can chime in and let us know what they've experienced.

12-04-2012, 10:53 AM
..................This is surely going to the last time I touch the car before the snow comes, so we'll see how it holds up as its the LSP of choice right now.........

I think you have said this already once this year and then you just laid down another coat of DG 101, BFCS and Fuzion......Hmmm?? I don't think you can help yourself! :buffing: