Matching Soap with Wax


New member
Feb 4, 2009
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Does any follow the theory that using the same brand soap to match the brand wax is best? Does add to the shine and durability?

I have been using the WG products and WG bathe.

Now I am starting to buy Pinnacle Wax and wonder to move towards Pinnacle Soap which I have used and like.
I have done both, same family and mix and match. For some reason on normal washes on my cars I like, dg, pinnacle, chem guys citrus or wolf gang. I have a bunch of waxes I use with them. I also use different families of waterless and rinseless and never noticed negative results. Use coly 845 over all of them and top with nuba. So I guess I'm trying to say no never seen difference.
I think as long as you are using high quality pH balanced soaps at the proper dilution you should be fine. I have never worried about matching brands.
That "theory" is flawed...
If you were talking about pre-cleaners / sealants / waxes staying in the same family, I would agree to some extent but with soaps, no.
If you choose a good quality soap, that is gentle on LSP's, you can't go wrong. Personally, I prefer a soap with little or no gloss, so that it doesn't interfere with the "look" you chose when the detail took place.
I do this sometimes. Helps me decide what brand names are my favorites. I do also mix it up to use up the products if they are almost out. The only problem is when I'm getting ready to start I ask myself "what kind of a day is it? Is it a Wolfgang day? A Meguiars day? Dodo?" then will wash/wax and detail using products from that line or brand only.
I would say no. Example: I just washed my truck with BF Rinseless, QD'd with a local brand, then waxed with my new liquid pinnacle souvern wax.
Sounds good.... need to get some soap very soon. Maybe one of the 12 days will provide an interesting deal.

Considering the following:

Pinnacle Soap
WG Bathe
Dodo Juice BTBM
I come across this all the time and it is all marketing. I challenge any supplier to come up with a scientific reason (not pidgeon marketing science - fact based) why their soap is better on their protective coating than any of the other soaps based.