View Full Version : Save today 15% off

Crazy Diamond
12-30-2012, 07:47 PM
I dumped quite aFew Benjamin's off here tonight, saved a lot with the 15% off and free shipping. I have been detailing and busting my a** everyday for 4 years, its has all started to pay off, 4 years ago is when i decided to take it serious, my grandfather and my dad started me at a very young age building rods, mostly The rat rod days and at the age of 9 i was the sanding boy and as everyone who builds or has ever built cars, sanding is the worst job in the world lol, but i stuck with it.my grand father passed when i was14 but i took everything he ever taught me and ran with it.Santa would have never brought me a new Audi A4 for Christmas three years ago and now I will have my new toy paid off by summer. Hoping this year will be as good as the last one was and the then I can work whenever or however much I like, I'm thinking 2 day a week lol. Anyway go for the 15% off and free shipping. A very happy new year to AG and all the very polite people on here,you have all my respect. SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.

12-30-2012, 07:58 PM
cool, congrats

12-30-2012, 08:13 PM
A very nice post and the best of luck now and in the future!! :props:

Crazy Diamond
12-30-2012, 08:21 PM
Thank you Bobby, love the vett, my grandfather had a 58 back in the day.A save and happy new year to you and yours.