Product suggestions or recommendations for grey paint?


New member
Feb 27, 2007
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Okay, got a question for you more experienced detailers out there.
What products would you suggest or recommend for grey paint? The car is still young and I work it by hand. I started with Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo followed by Signature Series II and touch up with Crystal Mist. I've been pleased with the results. But as I read and learn more and see the different prefences you fine folks talk about. I wonder if you would share your thoughts on this.





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SolMan50 said:
Okay, got a question for you more experienced detailers out there.
What products would you suggest or recommend for grey paint? The car is still young and I work it by hand. I started with Pinnacle Bodywork Shampoo followed by Signature Series II and touch up with Crystal Mist. I've been pleased with the results. But as I read and learn more and see the different prefences you fine folks talk about. I wonder if you would share your thoughts on this.



i used sig. ser 2 on my moms silver car and it looked great
Lew it looks like you've got the best of the best already. I agree with Joe.p to check Toto's work. Gary Sword recently posted a thread with his silver Vette that I thought was out of this world. Can't remember what he used but if I had to guess I'd say WGDGS or Liquid Souveran, both known as good for lighter colors.
I agree with Jimmie Garys vette is another sweet example
Well first off, claying is very important so make sure to do that. Once you see the $#*! that comes off your paint when you clay, you will be amazed.

Also since you are working by hand, use some p21s paintwork cleanser or pinnacle paintwork cleansing lotion before you wax.

I think you should try this combo, wash> clay > paintwork cleanser> one of these glazes: RMG, CG ez-creme, danase wet glaze, CG W.M.F. > wax

For the wax give victoria wax a try, it will add a nice deep look to your grey.
If you can posts some pics.
Try Duragloss #101 and then #105 or AIO and top it with Signature Series II.
Just done a car with XMT360 and Signature Series II, and I love it. I will post later.
Pinn Liquid Is A Good Choice Also.......
sparkie said:
If you can posts some pics.
Try Duragloss #101 and then #105 or AIO and top it with Signature Series II.
Just done a car with XMT360 and Signature Series II, and I love it. I will post later.

Added pics to my post, sorry for the poor quality. That's something else I need to figure out.

Thanks everyone, you guys are the greatest. Just another thing I've come to like about this community.

When I get around to trying some of your suggestions, I'll let you know my impressions and post the results (maybe I'll be able to post a better quality pic by then too)


Pinnacle Liquid Souveran, Signature Series II, Wolfgang DGPS would be the best choices.
killrwheels@autogeek said:
Very similar color to wifes truck ... Duragloss did it wonders.

hey, Ron231 ....please note that Danase glaze is just rebottled CC glaze. Private labeling at its best.
It's really not, this has been discussed on autopia. Danase has it made to different specifications by CG.

This has been discussed on autopia many many times.

I would love to link to one of the threads about this but I dont wanna get slapped with a ban stick.
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