Quick detailer


New member
Dec 23, 2012
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Does using a qd after washing supposed to have any benefits to appearance? Im using megs wash and conditioner soap and its awful filmy when im done washing. Also waterspotty. I know i need to work on my washing technique. And I am. Still, using a qd for me really makes my cars appearance pop. Very time consuming though.

So i guess the real question is, should i be doing a good enough wash so i wont need the qd? Stupid question i know. Just bear with me.
I don't think it's out of line. I'll use a spray wax sometimes when drying after the first wipe but before it's completely dry between 'big waxes', then usually finish with a QD. (Megs Final Inspection is one)
I use a spray after washing out of habit I guess. I love the Gold Class shampoo if that's what you're using. I find it rinses very cleanly. Do you do a sheeting rinse before you dry? Do you have good wax protection on you're paint? Those are two reasons you may not be getting the desired results IDK? However,Lots of people use a spray of some kind after a wash, it helps to "boost" the existing sealant or wax.
I do it to eliminate the possibilty of water spots. I think it also adds a little protection.
I use a QD with Carnauba after a wash or I use BF Poly Spray. I think it just amps up the shine a bit after the wash, and adds just a bit of protection.