View Full Version : Migliore Primo - Any Good ???

02-16-2013, 11:37 AM
I came across a sample size jar of this wax and picked it up. Migliore doesn't seem to generate much interest. I'm wondering if anyone has used this product and what they think of it. Thanks.

02-16-2013, 12:53 PM
I came across a sample size jar of this wax and picked it up. Migliore doesn't seem to generate much interest. I'm wondering if anyone has used this product and what they think of it. Thanks.

I have Migliore Competizone and really like it. Its really glossy. Not as easy to use as Fuzion or some others but the gloss is worth the work to me. I'm thinking the primo might

be the same, I almost bought it but the Competizione went on a killer sale so I just went with it. You're right though, Migliore doesn't get much hype here.

Dr Oldz
02-16-2013, 01:03 PM
It's just ok IMO. Harder to use than most waxes but looks nice and durability is pretty good. Mine pretty much collects dust tho with so many other waxes out there, I would choose another.

Old Tiger
02-16-2013, 01:10 PM
It's just ok IMO. Harder to use than most waxes but looks nice and durability is pretty good. Mine pretty much collects dust tho with so many other waxes out there, I would choose another.
The Nuba King has spoken!

02-16-2013, 02:36 PM
The Nuba King has spoken!

D'OLZ is def the King! Sickest LSP Collection out there and owner of "I buy what I want" when it comes to waxes!:dblthumb2::dblthumb2:

02-16-2013, 03:06 PM
It's just ok IMO. Harder to use than most waxes but looks nice and durability is pretty good. Mine pretty much collects dust tho with so many other waxes out there, I would choose another.
:iagree:Not the easiest to remove.

02-17-2013, 09:24 PM
The trick is to apply it very very thin and allow the wax to sit out in the sun for a little bit to soften up. I have the original glass tub and only used it to do 1 panel just to try out but i do not have a personal vehicle anymore and just have a work van. I tend to use more sealants then anything as i don't have the time to wash and wax my vehicle like i use to.

If you are looking for a pot PM me and i'll unload the one i have to you.

02-18-2013, 10:02 AM
I found application to be ok, and lighter is indeed better. The removal needed some muscle. It looked good like most show waxes.