Pointless washing...

KJW Detailing

New member
Mar 20, 2007
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Although i enjoy this time of year b/c i can open up the sunroof and put down my windows, i equally hate this time of b/c of the ridiculous pollen...i just washed my car to wash it...i wanted to get the pollen and any other crap off of it...

while i am drying the car, i can already see the pollen begin to amount on the car...so i stopped...

...man these flowers need to bloom and be done with haha...

o well...i could always wash my car again at work tonight haha...
pollen season is always a pain in the butt....rather than wash a good wipedown with spray and wipe or other "cleaning" qd is a good secondary solution to washing...
I would like to see a picture of a vehicle with pollen, I don't think we have that problem here in....well atleast I haven't had that problem.

Any takers?
Nica...in a few more weeks we will be in a heavy pollen season..I will take some pics for you..it looks like a green yellow dust on the paint...and it can mar paint...I hose it off first before a wash...stuff is bad...can not leave your windows open or your cockpit gets covered in pollen in no time...pollen is the worst thing...

Thanks Al, really mar the paint wow. Sounds bad. Looking forward to the picture buddy.

Man I love pictures.
Al-53 said:
Nica...in a few more weeks we will be in a heavy pollen season..I will take some pics for you..it looks like a green yellow dust on the paint...and it can mar paint...I hose it off first before a wash...stuff is bad...can not leave your windows open or your cockpit gets covered in pollen in no time...pollen is the worst thing...


AL... whats the first action taken to combat pollen..a blower???:confused:
I'm really battling the pollen now in my area. I was doing my mom's black Grand Cherokee, and no lie after getting polish/glaze/wax done by Saturday night I woke up to a yellow Grand Cherokee Sunday morning when I went to snap some pics. My detail was tainted by flower-power!
Here is a half and half shot of a light layering of pollen...we are just about done with ours. THANK GOD!!!

Wow! thats some thick stuff. Im glad we don't have that problem where I live. My main prolem is the construction water trucks spraying down the roads in the middle of the day. Brackish water and sun, not a good combination. (real bad water spots)
A-KA-MONN said:
Wow! thats some thick stuff. Im glad we don't have that problem where I live. My main prolem is the construction water trucks spraying down the roads in the middle of the day. Brackish water and sun, not a good combination. (real bad water spots)

OUCH, I can imagine!
r_wain said:
Here is a half and half shot of a light layering of pollen...we are just about done with ours. THANK GOD!!!


:eek: that looks bad, looks like a nice layer of dust...mmm...interesting.

Thanks for sharing :cheers:
If it were just dust it wouldn't be so bad but its also sticky. I will be glad when FL stops burning and the ashes quit falling. At least the ashes aren't sticky.
Wow that sucks! Don't get much of that where i am, however the salt from the ocean suckssssss

As well as the new houses being built around my area, so lots of dust in the air as well :(
However, I am glad I do not have the pollen issue.
Ya I'm ready for pollen season to be over. When it gets bad here, my navy blue Vette looks purple!:rolleyes: