So who watched the "Lost" season finale????


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Apr 21, 2006
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I think I'm even more "Lost" now then before :confused: :D . What in the hell was up with turning the key and having the Island go in psycho mode lol.
Surfer said:
I think I'm even more "Lost" now then before :confused: :D . What in the hell was up with turning the key and having the Island go in psycho mode lol.
Surfer you mean, you weren't watching American Idol last night???:confused:
Ay I was at my daughter's awards ceremony last night so I missed everything, but I did manage to return in time to find out that Terry Hicks won Idol. I don't really watch tv, but my husband does and I have been watching bits of American Idol this last week when my husband had it on. I was really rooting for Mr. Soul Patrol because I thought that he had the better voice. My husband thought for sure that the girl would win it because she was cute, but I said to him, "honestly, how many guys are going to sit here watching singing! This is a total chick show!! The guys gonna win!" Now I only wish I had put some money on it, maybe I'd have been able to get my PC kit sooner! ;)
Surfer said:
Me neither, but I thought I would ask, Alias is about the only things that keeps my TV on, well next to ER of course. Tried Lost, and well I picked it up in mid season, and I was "lost".:p
Meghan said:
Me neither, but I thought I would ask, Alias is about the only things that keeps my TV on, well next to ER of course. Tried Lost, and well I picked it up in mid season, and I was "lost".:p
Lost is an addiction lol. I started watching it around the end of last year, so when I 1st got into it I was like what the hell is going on. But I'm still going "what the hell is going on", that show messes with your head lol:D

Lost and Mind of Mencia are all I need :awesome:
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Don't know what the fallout from the failsafe key turn will be. Have to wait till next season.

I'm with Siede (spelling?) though, where's the rest of the statue and why just 4 toes?

Are Locke, Desmon, and Echo dead?

I was starting to think maybe everyone died in the crash and the island was pergitory or something. Now with the revalation of the mag. annomoly bringing down the plane and Desmon's girlfriend being contacted, I don't know what to think. But one thing for sure her daddy is in on it some how.

StarGazer said:
Don't know what the fallout from the failsafe key turn will be. Have to wait till next season.
You'll love this, had the guys on an interview and the show is trying to do more filming together so the shows are back to back instead of having a new episode and then like two renuns etc. Think they said next season will be 6 shows, and then beginning of 07' it'll start again with more.

That used to drive me nutz thinking it was a new episode only to see a repeat. What happened to Siade though when he came to the camp and nobody was there, it didn't go back to him unless I missed something? I get this feeling Siade is gonna do some kinda of mercinary stealth move at night and open a can of ass whupping on the "others" :righton:
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Ya, the show just gets you hooked but too many questions. They really picked the right name for the show. The last 15 min of every episode always gets you more confused. I was kind of bummed when they wrote Michelle off the show. She really caused a lot of attention here in the islands, sad I'm not going to see her around anymore. I just hope they have more new episodes next year.
FloridaNative said:
"honestly, how many guys are going to sit here watching singing! This is a total chick show!! ;)

Not just a chick show. I was so psyched after Idol last night that I was in my garage at 1:30am putting a coat of Souveran on my Cobra! After all, I needed a way to relax and burn off some NRG. (Besides, I know plenty of guys who watch JUST TO WATCH).
snomon1017 said:
Not just a chick show. I was so psyched after Idol last night that I was in my garage at 1:30am putting a coat of Souveran on my Cobra! After all, I needed a way to relax and burn off some NRG. (Besides, I know plenty of guys who watch JUST TO WATCH).
If I had a buddy watching Idol, I'd dump a beer on his head :D
Surfer said:
If I had a buddy watching Idol, I'd dump a beer on his head :D
WAIT... Surfer you would waste a beer???:confused:
:p :D :p :D :cheers:
Meghan said:
WAIT... Surfer you would waste a beer???:confused:
:p :D :p :D :cheers:
ok, so I'd drink the beer and then drop the bottle on his head:D

Turn this forum off, I need to get back to work :D
You can't go back to work , I just posted a new Microfiber Towel up.... go look!!! :D
I rather like LOST ..... cannot figure out where its going (nor why Polar Bears are on a desert island) but I finally figured out why ..... because at some point in time it will go off air and likely nothing will be resolved. So its intoxicating to be LOST and know I will always likely be LOST while watching LOST !! (I guess you can say I am LOST up in it)
FloridaNative said:
Ay I was at my daughter's awards ceremony last night so I missed everything, but I did manage to return in time to find out that Terry Hicks won Idol. I don't really watch tv, but my husband does and I have been watching bits of American Idol this last week when my husband had it on. I was really rooting for Mr. Soul Patrol because I thought that he had the better voice. My husband thought for sure that the girl would win it because she was cute, but I said to him, "honestly, how many guys are going to sit here watching singing! This is a total chick show!! The guys gonna win!" Now I only wish I had put some money on it, maybe I'd have been able to get my PC kit sooner! ;)


And that blasphmy... Kathrine McPhee is my future wife.
killrwheels@autogeek said:
I rather like LOST ..... cannot figure out where its going (nor why Polar Bears are on a desert island) but I finally figured out why ..... because at some point in time it will go off air and likely nothing will be resolved. So its intoxicating to be LOST and know I will always likely be LOST while watching LOST !! (I guess you can say I am LOST up in it)
Dude I swear, last nights LOST made me even more LOST :D . It's going to bug the hell out of me wondering what the hell was up with the Island/magneticfield/bright light/loud sound thing when he turned the key.
I was really LOST at how anyone would use dynamite in a closed cavern with blast proof doors. I guess they LOST it !!

On a seperate note, if Kate (freckles) is not a big part of next years show, then the show is LOST as far as Im concerned. Eye candy !