Renny Doyle Book Question


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Mar 22, 2012
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So in Renny's "How to Start a Detailing Business" Book, Renny mentions and swears by European Steam. Now he also mentions how wet extraction leaves (cloth seats for example) extremely wet, with a more than likely chance for stains in the seats to return. But then he mentions something like, "An extractor with a vacuum function is a different story." So I am curious on what to purchase, should I get a Mytee Lite II (shoots hot water and sucks it up) or should I get something else that can do stain-removal functions? If I get the Mytee Lite II, please recommend a good steam cleaner that I could use for door jambs, engine bays, etc., because I don't believe the Mytee Lite add-on tools can cover these areas.

The key to using an extractor and not leaving a lot of water in the fabric you're extracting is to do quality dry passes where you let the vacuum suck or extract the water and/or cleaning solution out.

To do this you cannot move the wand quickly over the surface, you must move it slowly over the surface to provide ample time for the water to travel through the fabric, upward and into the wand.

In all my classes we use the clear, plastic wands instead of the stainless steel wands because they let you see,

The dirty water being extracted and when the dirt has been removed
The clean, rinse water being extracted and when the all the water has been removed.

Then you place an air mover inside the car and roll the windows up so that there's an inch or two air gap for air to flow in and out of the car for evaporation to take place.

I have some really great pictures of the cleaning, rinsing and then dry extraction process taking place from last weekend's class and even the class before when we extracted the Airport Taxi Van but it's always just a "time factor" to go through the photos and then do all the work it takes to get them inserted, not merely "attached".

Here's some pictures from another class showing the process and the added benefit of using a clear, plastic wand instead of a solid stainless steel wand.

Pictures & Comments from May 5th & 6th Detailing Boot Camp

Here's Tim using the Aztec Hotrod...


You can easily see the dirt being extracted out of the upholstery...

Making a follow-up pass shows the dirt has been removed...

After all the clean, rinse water is extracted you can visually tell because you won't see any water being lifted out of the fabric. This is your sign to move on...

The new Mytee Firebird VS1500 Vapor Steamer works much the same as the Vapamore MR-100 PRIMO Steam Cleaning System shown below, I just haven't taken any good pictures of it in action.

These smaller, steamers work very good but the key is to have LOTS of cotton bonnets and we're working on getting these in bulk right now for the Autogeek Store.

Pictures & Comments from May 5th & 6th Detailing Boot Camp







There's always a few guys in my classes that have not used steamers before and the thing that draws them to cleaning with steam is the ability to not only sanitize without chemicals but to avoid breathing in chemical vapors and getting chemicals on their skin.

Great Thanks Mike! Do you recommend the Aztec over the Mytee Lite? (I'm looking for something more user-friendly, that does the job very well...and that clear tool instead of the stainless steel one would be better for me)?
Great Thanks Mike! Do you recommend the Aztec over the Mytee Lite? (I'm looking for something more user-friendly, that does the job very well...and that clear tool instead of the stainless steel one would be better for me)?

The Mytee Lite has a 3 gallon holding tank while the Aztec has a 1.5 gallon holding tank, this means you have to stop and dump out the dirty water and refill with fresh water more often with the Aztec.

With the Mytee Lite you can add an extractor approved APC or carpet cleaning solution to the fresh water supply. You cannot do this with the Aztec.

Just to note, while adding a cleaner to your fresh water supply can provide more cleaning from "hot" cleaning solution, it also means you're never really leaving a clean surface because you're always injecting cleaning solution into the fabric, not just water.

That is unless you add just fresh water to the holding tank after you use up all the cleaning solution and go back over the area. You also want to use a de-foamer anytime you use a cleaning solution in an extractor.

They both work really well, and it's not that big a hassle to stop, empty out the brown water and add fresh water with the Aztec. One thing for sure, get the clear wand like I show above, otherwise you never really know if you've removed all the dirt and you never really know if you've removed all the water.

Make sense?

Sign up for my May class and you can use both before you buy.,..
