Paint cleansing P21s, or house brand.


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Apr 14, 2012
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Good Morning AGO,

I have couple of questions on paint cleaners and their ability to fill in. I currently do have Blackfire Gloss Enhancing Polish in my collection.

I have heard great raves about P21s, and debating on picking it up, but has anyone compared the p21s vs BFGeP.

My goal is to fill in some minor swirls and thats about it. My Lsp will be BFWD and maybe a coat of nuba.

I take it BFWD should not have a issue bonding to the paint after P21s right?
I use P21s all the time but never tried it as a filler. I know people have used it for that with good results.
suscribed. I myself am looking for a good chemical only (non-abrasive) paint cleaner.
p21s gepc is quite nice, but so is pinnacle paintwork lotion ....
All this time I have been under the impression that the p21s paint cleaner was a pure cleaner.

OP: there's no need to rewash after application.
If you're looking for a filler, wouldn't a glaze or something like black light be what you're looking for?
Good Morning AGO,

I have couple of questions on paint cleaners and their ability to fill in. I currently do have Blackfire Gloss Enhancing Polish in my collection.

I have heard great raves about P21s, and debating on picking it up, but has anyone compared the p21s vs BFGeP.

My goal is to fill in some minor swirls and thats about it. My Lsp will be BFWD and maybe a coat of nuba.

I take it BFWD should not have a issue bonding to the paint after P21s right?

I've done a comparison and BF GEP fills better than P21S. Actually, it fills better than some glazes. I don't think your going to find something that fills better than GEP. I've you have GEP, I'd stick with it, as its very good at what it does - better than P21S IMHO.
-I have couple of questions on paint cleaners and their ability to fill in.

-My goal is to fill in some minor swirls and thats about it.

The vast array of: Paint cleaner products...and how they're named/classified
often causes least for me. Please bear with me.

There are, for example:
-Gloss enhancers
-Polish enhancers
-Paintwork cleaners
-Pre-wax cleaners
-Pre-wax cleaning lotions
-etc., etc.

*Some are said to contain some type/form of an abrasives-cleaner...
-These are what I usually refer to as polishes and/or glazes...
Polishing---something usually performed before (pre-) waxing/LSP-ing
-Polishes, for me: Clean the paint and enhance the gloss.

The chances of "fillers" (of some sort) being left behind are probably a likelihood.

*Others are said to be chemical-only-cleaners...
-When I hear "chemical-only" paint cleaner:
suscribed. I myself am looking for a good chemical only (non-abrasive) paint cleaner.
-I think in terms of products that are similar to Griot's Garage Paint Prep, IPA, Mineral Spirits, Prep-Sol, etc.

I'm highly doubtful/skeptical about "fillers" being left behind.

In my opinion, the following suggestion is exactly what you are looking for, my good Man:
If you're looking for a filler, wouldn't a glaze or something like black light be what you're looking for?


-I will go a step further and recommend: 3M Imperial Hand Glaze as:
THE "pre-wax paint-cleaner/gloss-enhancer" as the product to achieve what you are asking about.

It contains "fillers"...But none of them are 'waxes or silicones'.

Although I'll use other "pre-wax paint-cleaners/gloss-enhancers"...
such as AIO's, and other polishes/glazes...
3M IHG, indeed, is my go-to!!

I use "chemical-only paint cleaners" for:
-Before re-sprays
-Per a manufacturer's pre-LSP application recommendation.


Bob, by Chemical only, I meant more like lotions applied by hand or machine that clean/prep the paint for wax/sealant but do it by chemical process, not abrasive. I will check out the Wolfgang one as mentioned by mwoolfso.

Bob, by Chemical only, I meant more like lotions applied by hand or machine that clean/prep the paint for wax/sealant but do it by chemical process, not abrasive. I will check out the Wolfgang one as mentioned by mwoolfso.

Hi Drew...

I wasn't "pointing fingers"...Sorry if it appeared that way.

I was merely implying that I personally don't see how it's
possible to have a chemical-only paint-cleaner...
One, that is, containing absolutely: No abrasives of any kind.

(Except for/in the vein of thought I mentioned above...
for my definition of chemical paint-cleaners.)


I don't think Bob likes "chemical" paint cleaners. I think they are great b/c:

1. They remove the old LSP and remove no clear coat

2. They often have a glaze in them that covers minor defects

3. They have a very simple learning curve / use. Micro marring, holograms, or any other issues that are possible when abrasives touch paint are unlikely. They are usually not finicky to work with.

4. Best part: you can do all of this with one step and one product.

I like it!
I don't think Bob likes "chemical" paint cleaners. I think they are great b/c:

1. They remove the old LSP and remove no clear coat

2. They often have a glaze in them that covers minor defects

3. They have a very simple learning curve / use. Micro marring, holograms, or any other issues that are possible when abrasives touch paint are unlikely. They are usually not finicky to work with.

4. Best part: you can do all of this with one step and one product.

I like it!

All 5, (perhaps up to: 6-7), of these points are very interesting.
{Even the: "unnumbered ones"...:D} LOL

As to point 2.:
-Except for Meg's M07 Show Car Glaze (a pure polish with no abrasives)...
I'm interested in finding a: Glaze or two...that have no abrasives...
that's being incorporated into "chemical-only" paint cleaners.

As to point 4.:
-Many cleaner-waxes/sealant and AIO's fit that description... AFAIC.


Bob, by Chemical only, I meant more like lotions applied by hand or machine that clean/prep the paint for wax/sealant but do it by chemical process, not abrasive. I will check out the Wolfgang one as mentioned by mwoolfso.


In the fall I used WG PPE on my 2012 VW. Now I am always diligent with this car since I acquired it. 2 Yellow MF pads were soiled beyond belief for a car that gets less than 10K per year. Apply wet and you will not be disappointed. I have Pinnacle as well and will be using it this year.

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Hi Drew...

I wasn't "pointing fingers"...Sorry if it appeared that way.

I was merely implying that I personally don't see how it's
possible to have a chemical-only paint-cleaner...
One, that is, containing absolutely: No abrasives of any kind.

(Except for/in the vein of thought I mentioned above...
for my definition of chemical paint-cleaners.)



Well, in certain cases I think a prewax cleanser that has both would work best. Once you know you have a surface with no oxidation a chemical cleaner sounds safer than anything with abrasives. Mothers step 1 is actually a hybrid assuming they have not changed the formula.

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From: Four Star Ultimate Pre-Wax Cleanser's Product description (my highlighting/bolding):

-"Four Star Pre-Wax Cleanser restores depth and clarity of paint without harsh abrasives or solvents.
-It removes most road contaminants, hairline scratches and oxidation safely and easily.

Note: Contains refined mineral spirits".


-So...Refined mineral spirits are no longer considered solvents?

-This Four Star product sounds eerily similar to the performance-characteristics of some
very nice, "low-harshness-grade-abrasives"... polishes/glazes..that I've mentioned prior.

