Meguires Ultimate Polish versus Meguires M205


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Feb 26, 2013
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Are UP and M205 the same thing?

Which would be better to use on a new red car for polishing prior to applying Tech Wax 2.0: UP/M205 or Deep Crystal System Polish?

I will be applying and removing by hand, so I need something that can be done without killing myself!
Are UP and M205 the same thing?

No...I don't think they are the exact same thing.
Some folks, though, say UP is the Consumer-line equivalent of Professional-line M205

When in doubt...Mike Phillips and Michael Stoops (both members of AGO) are just a PM away.

Which would be better to use on a new red car for polishing prior to applying Tech Wax 2.0: UP/M205 or Deep Crystal System Polish?

What do you deem to be the condition of your vehicle's paint?

I will be applying and removing by hand, so I need something that can be done without killing myself!

I've done it by hand before...I'm still alive to talk about it.
Feel a lot older than I am though.


UP is derived from M205. UP has less cutting power but more polishing oils than M205.

Like what Bob said, it really depends on your paint's condition and your ultimate end goal. As stated above, both UP and M205 have some cutting power and will remove a certain amount of swirls. The deep crystal system polish is a pure polish and it doesn't have any cutting power. So if you have some swirls and minor scratches you want to remove then you need to use UP/M205. If your paint is perfect then the deep crystal system polish will work. But either way, I'd recommend UP/M205 because they have a lot of polishing oils anyway so you'll kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

If you're working by hand and trying to remove paint defects, it doesn't really matter what product you choose. You will need to apply some pressure, effort and passion on the pad you're using. The abrasives won't work without doing so. If you don't want to kill yourself then get a dual action polisher.
UP is derived from M205. UP has less cutting power but more polishing oils than M205.

Like what Bob said, it really depends on your paint's condition and your ultimate end goal. As stated above, both UP and M205 have some cutting power and will remove a certain amount of swirls. The deep crystal system polish is a pure polish and it doesn't have any cutting power. So if you have some swirls and minor scratches you want to remove then you need to use UP/M205. If your paint is perfect then the deep crystal system polish will work. But either way, I'd recommend UP/M205 because they have a lot of polishing oils anyway so you'll kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

If you're working by hand and trying to remove paint defects, it doesn't really matter what product you choose. You will need to apply some pressure, effort and passion on the pad you're using. The abrasives won't work without doing so. If you don't want to kill yourself then get a dual action polisher.

Well said Marc