View Full Version : Honda EU2000i or Yamaha EF2000iS Inverter generator

03-12-2013, 07:52 PM
Looking at these two models.. Yamaha EF2000iS Honda EU2000i

trying to decide which one to purchase.

Any forum members have either of these or real world experience with them?

Pros/ Cons?

Big purchase for me so just trying to do alot of research as well as check with forum members on AG to get some real world opinions vs reading what a blog may have posted on the two.. though I am researching them

Thanks - John

Best price I have found has been right at 999 for each one.. :eek:

Looks like a year ago people were reporting paying as low as 879 and 899 seemed to be the norm..

struggling to find that price

03-12-2013, 07:54 PM
Did find this price on the yamaha

PPL Motor Homes (http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CciVg-M0_UcHzHIeK9ATCpYDQDLDM05sC8PzDhDbAwcWxRwgJEAIg1s7 PHigKUPicpJ0HYMmOq4fco8QUoAGpncL_A8gBB6oEH0_QARbAV Id87g1d06JwPOa3lYrKSApQH__mHSYEkjS6BRMI5czxpL34tQI VAfacCh2zRgBHwAUFygUAoAYmgAe_4j3gEqLQkpPl-KOJWQ&ei=-M0_UeXwG4Hs8wSzjYG4BA&sig=AOD64_1XynpEQ2SANl2EHPgD0fhoEb0miA&ctype=5&sqi=2&ved=0CBQQqxI&adurl=http://www.pplmotorhomes.com/parts/onan-generators/portable-yamaha-generators.htm%3Futm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium% 3Dpartsshopping%26utm_campaign%3Dpartsfeed) (http://www.google.com/products/seller?hl=en&sugexp=les;&gs_rn=5&gs_ri=psy-ab&pq=best+portable+inverter+generator&cp=11&gs_id=oi&xhr=t&q=yamaha+2000+generator&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=yamaha+2000&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&biw=1366&bih=665&tch=1&ech=14&psi=TcY_Ucu7C4Kg8QSGsoCYBQ.1363135961024.1&sqi=2&zmi=pplmotorhomes.com&sa=X&ei=-M0_UeXwG4Hs8wSzjYG4BA&ved=0CBYQwhI) No tax $924.10 $9.99 shipping $934.09

03-12-2013, 09:50 PM
I like e Honda because the resale value is awesome when that time comes. It's also the standard most seem to use when evaluating generators. The negative is the cost but if you want quiet there's a price to pay. Another negative is the 2000 will not run a master blaster 15A vacume/blower.

03-13-2013, 08:12 AM
I like e Honda because the resale value is awesome when that time comes. It's also the standard most seem to use when evaluating generators. The negative is the cost but if you want quiet there's a price to pay. Another negative is the 2000 will not run a master blaster 15A vacume/blower.

Yeah I get what your saying about the resale. good call there

All I would be powering is

My GG6 polisher

My craftsman 6hp shop vac

and my Bissel little green Pro heat

Of course only one at a time.

Do you think the Honda could power each of those?

I'm def all for a quiet Generator.. one of the main reasons I'm looking at the two.

the Yamaha is only about 80 to 100 dollars cheaper so It may be worth spending the extra coin on the Honda.. In terms of Resale alone..

unless the Yamaha will power the above mentioned Items better.

Suprised 80 something views and no more input .

No one have either of these or any experience with these 2 generators?

03-13-2013, 10:13 AM
I've used the Honda before and it worked great and was fuel efficient.

I'd look at a few key things like weight, noise in DB, fuel capacity, and cost to determine your choice. I doubt you'll go wrong with either, but maybe something like having a local dealer or service center might sway you to one or the other.


03-13-2013, 10:37 AM
Yeah I get what your saying about the resale. good call there

All I would be powering is

My GG6 polisher

My craftsman 6hp shop vac

and my Bissel little green Pro heat

Of course only one at a time.

Do you think the Honda could power each of those?

I'm def all for a quiet Generator.. one of the main reasons I'm looking at the two.

the Yamaha is only about 80 to 100 dollars cheaper so It may be worth spending the extra coin on the Honda.. In terms of Resale alone..

unless the Yamaha will power the above mentioned Items better.

Suprised 80 something views and no more input .

No one have either of these or any experience with these 2 generators?
Yes the Honda will power all those items one at a time w/o any problems. For a difference of $80-100 get the Honda. I'm surre the other generator is good but Honda's are hard to beat and the resale values are great.

Do a search on generators or honda generators because there are plenty of detailed threads with great info in them. The cliff note version is: Buy the Honda.

03-14-2013, 08:23 AM
I've used the Honda before and it worked great and was fuel efficient.

I'd look at a few key things like weight, noise in DB, fuel capacity, and cost to determine your choice. I doubt you'll go wrong with either, but maybe something like having a local dealer or service center might sway you to one or the other.


Thanks Randy. Both local dealers are an hour away in opposite directions.. However as popular as the Honda is I believe it may be easier to get it serviced and possibly a more knowledgeable staff... seeing as the yamaha dealer is much larger but more focus on motorcycles and waverunners.

Yes the Honda will power all those items one at a time w/o any problems. For a difference of $80-100 get the Honda. I'm surre the other generator is good but Honda's are hard to beat and the resale values are great.

Do a search on generators or honda generators because there are plenty of detailed threads with great info in them. The cliff note version is: Buy the Honda.

Thanks rmagnus for letting me know this unit will power up my items no problem... very true about resale value.

I would much prefer to go with a cheaper option..but those generator seem to be much louder and alot of them don't seem to hold up either.

Plus the Inverter generators have real smooth steady electricity for electronic devices should I choose to use it for camping or ever need it in the house.

It's main use will be in my 5x8 enclosed trailer I finally received this morning!

(pics of trailer up this afternoon) so stoked!!! Im the MAN

03-14-2013, 02:03 PM
I considered the Yammy because the price was lower. However parts availability is much worse and not all Yamaha dealers work on generators. Resale on the Honda is much better as well. Based on anecdotal evidence, the Honda has a much higher reserve capacity for starting things with motors, and legendary reliability.

Checkout Speedway Sales, they discount the Honda to a price that is as good as most sell the Yamaha for.

03-14-2013, 04:03 PM
I considered the Yammy because the price was lower. However parts availability is much worse and not all Yamaha dealers work on generators. Resale on the Honda is much better as well. Based on anecdotal evidence, the Honda has a much higher reserve capacity for starting things with motors, and legendary reliability.

Checkout Speedway Sales, they discount the Honda to a price that is as good as most sell the Yamaha for.

Thank you! checked price... best price so far..

Going to ask local guys if they will Match.. IF not if how close they can get... and then prob buy Local as It will benefit me in the long run when I need any if any maintenance performed.

Thanks again to directing me to them

bill walsh
03-15-2013, 05:27 PM
buy the honda i worked for co that brought 5000 a one time no problems with any

03-15-2013, 08:01 PM
Thank you! checked price... best price so far..

Going to ask local guys if they will Match.. IF not if how close they can get... and then prob buy Local as It will benefit me in the long run when I need any if any maintenance performed.

Thanks again to directing me to them

Speedway rules, I've bought a few Honda items from them, good folks, fast service.