Grass in Trunk Carpet


New member
Jan 12, 2013
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One of the hardest things to get out are dried blades of grass and other such embedded particles.

I was curious if anyone had found a really good vacuum attachment for getting these out? I usually just run the hose attachment over and over until it breaks loose, but I was thinking maybe some sort of "comb" attachment would work better. The trunk carpet is that really tight fiber stuff, and loves to hang on to stuff.

Would a pet hair attachment be useful?

Possibly. are you talking about the ones that sort of has a bunch of rubberish fingers?

The biggest challenge with stuff like grass (and I guess pet hair) is that is finds its way beneath the fibers, so it sort of becomes part of the carpet.
I use a brush and my shop vacuum at the same time works good.
I use a brush and my shop vacuum at the same time works good.

I'll give that a shot, thanks! Doing a car tomorrow that's supposed to be pretty dirty, so that'll give me a chance to try some techniques.
Tornador blow out gun works great. If no air available I use a horse hair brush and vacuum.