First time using AIO -- Have Questions


New member
Jul 5, 2012
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I'm a rookie and I just did a test patch on my '98 Sienna. This is my learning vehicle, then I will move to my other DD. I think the results are pretty good, but am wondering if I can get a deeper shine on a white vehicle? Should I hit with orange pad or move to something having a little more aggressive? I apologize for the photos my camera was broken and had to use my phone. Thanks for the advice.

  1. Wash
  2. Ironx
  3. Clay
  4. Duragloss 501/601 w/White Pads
  5. IPA wipe down -- oops I accidentally skipped this step
  6. NXT w/White Pads (because I had it laying around)
  7. Optimum Car Wax




It looks much better - you can obviously see the huge difference in the 50/50 shot, but it does still appear quite dull to me. I would say you need to step up to a true compound and/or polish (like M105/M205) instead of an AIO product if you would like to see the clarity, depth, and gloss fully revived. M105/M205 (or meguiar's ultimate compound and ultimate polish) can often be found in your local auto parts store if you wanted to pick some up ASAP.

White is capable of looking AMAZING when fully restored!

I would say you need to step up to a true compound and/or polish (like M105/M205) instead of an AIO product if you would like to see the clarity, depth, and gloss fully revived. M105/M205 (or meguiar's ultimate compound and ultimate polish) can often be found in your local auto parts store if you wanted to pick some up ASAP.

White is capable of looking AMAZING when fully restored!

:iagree: That's what I'm looking for. I've done so much reading I've confused M105/M101. Which one has the steeper learning curve? Looking for something that is relatively easy and forgiving.
Well you could try the DG mixture with orange. 501 is probably good with orange. Then follow up with your DG mixture eith white. If you want to introduce megs into this then I would try Ultimate Compound with Orange on a test spot. UC is over the counter and a little less aggressive than 105. 101 seems too much to me at least.. If you don't see much difference with that UC/Orange then you may be chasing your tail for a DD.

It looks really good.
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Looks much better. My go-to AIO is Poorboy's Polish With Sealant. If you don't want to do an AIO, use Power Finish followed by your favorite wax or sealant. I am an MG 105/205 hater, but that's just the way I roll.
I also have a white vehicle and white can get the pop you are looking for. I have 105, 205 and the menzerna line. Power finish is the most used polish I own. Tough to beat
:iagree: That's what I'm looking for. I've done so much reading I've confused M105/M101. Which one has the steeper learning curve? Looking for something that is relatively easy and forgiving.

M101 is easier to work with... M105 can be very dusty and hard to work with... I would pick up some Ultimate Compound from your local autozone and try it out... it is basically the consumer version of M105 and is easier to work with from what I have seen.
M101 is easier to work with... M105 can be very dusty and hard to work with... I would pick up some Ultimate Compound from your local autozone and try it out... it is basically the consumer version of M105 and is easier to work with from what I have seen.

:iagree:I wouldn't hurt to try Ultimate Compound. If you don't like the results your not out a bunch of money. I don't think using a more aggressive pad with 501 will do much good personally. A test spot is the only way to find out.:xyxthumbs: Good luck!
:iagree:I wouldn't hurt to try Ultimate Compound. If you don't like the results your not out a bunch of money. Yep, exactly. I don't think using a more aggressive pad with 501 will do much good personally. A test spot is the only way to find out. Right, he has DG in-house already so the results will definitely help assess next steps and next product/pad combo. I never said it would work, only to try it out. :xyxthumbs: Good luck!

I used an AIO(xmt360) on my 25yo white paint and got similar results, looked much better but not as shines as I wanted. Asked here and was directed to try ultimate compound. It made a big difference so I finished up with that one then applied a wax.
So definitely, spend the $10ish and get the UC and do a test spot.
Looks like I have a couple of options: Different pads and/or UC. Not sure how the DG501 compares to xmt360, but looks like they used both orange and yellow pads with xmt360 on a similar SS White Toyota. I'll try an orange with the DG and if that doesn't work will look at testing the UC. Also seems good results were found on this white Toyota.
I agree with the others that your paint is too rough for an AIO step. I would be using M105 or 100 or 101 with an orange or yellow B & S pad followed by M205 with a white pad. White should glow when done right. Follow your compounding/polishing with DG 501 as your paint cleaning stage (don't think you won't need it; you'll be disgusted at what colour the white pad will turn!) and then seal it with 105. Top with Colli 845 FTW.
Looks like I have a couple of options: Different pads and/or UC. Not sure how the DG501 compares to xmt360, but looks like they used both orange and yellow pads with xmt360 on a similar SS White Toyota.

I'll try an orange with the DG and if that doesn't work will look at testing the UC.

The above was my project and the results you see were achieved using the products shown in that write-up. I actually saw this Toyota about 2 months ago and it's still looking great.

KISS Detail - Extreme Makeover - Toyota Highlander

While John was working below, I tackled the roof which was just as dull and oxidized as the hood... we poured off some XMT 360 from the XMT 360 which is available in larger sizes like a quart bottle into a couple of Autogeek Squeeze Bottles to make it easier to dispense product.



Here you can see the gloss and clarity have been restored...


The lights in the reflection are the overhead florescent lights and now that we've restored a smooth surface the paint will now reflect images again.

As I re-position the camera and take another shot you can see the light reflection completely disappears on the side I have not buffed yet.

Also check this write-up out from a neglected, oxidized Honda that we did a Duragloss Extreme Makeover to..

Pictures & Videos: 2003 Honda Civic Extreme Makeover - Duragloss

The owner is now my step-daughter so I see the car all the time and while it's holding up and looks better than it did then before we buffed it out it needs a warm-over again. This is probably for two reasons,

1. Single stage paint oxidize easily as compared to clear coat paints.
2. It's parked outside 24x7 in coastal weather, (South Florida), and never gets any attention at all. (Bless Corals heart she just made the Dean's List but she's not a "car girl").


Always something going on here on AutogeekOnline... I like to let the pictures tell the story...






Lots more pictures and tips and techniques throughout this write-up...


That's what I'm looking for. I've done so much reading I've confused M105/M101. Which one has the steeper learning curve? Looking for something that is relatively easy and forgiving.

Get the M101, take a look at all the different tools and pads we used with M101 in this thread and the results were nothing short of amazing...

M101 Foam Cut Compound - 1999 Trans Am Extreme Makeover at Autogeek



Jeff Bell, a full-time professional detailer always helps me with the more intricate or complex areas to buff, here he's working M101 with the Griot's 3" Mini Polisher using a Meguiar's 3" Microfiber Cutting Disc...



Me working M101 with a DeWALT 849X with a Meguiar's W7207 Foam Cutting Pad...

Here's Jay working M101 using a Meguiar's 6" Microfiber Cutting Disc on a 3M Orbital Air Sander...



Get the M101, take a look at all the different tools and pads we used with M101 in this thread and the results were nothing short of amazing...

Me working M101 with a DeWALT 849X with a Meguiar's W7207 Foam Cutting Pad...



You buffed off all the stripes!!!!!!!111!11111

hehe.. J/k.
Well you could try the DG mixture with orange. 501 is probably good with orange. Then follow up with your DG mixture eith white. If you want to introduce megs into this then I would try Ultimate Compound with Orange on a test spot. UC is over the counter and a little less aggressive than 105. 101 seems too much to me at least.. If you don't see much difference with that UC/Orange then you may be chasing your tail for a DD.

I used an AIO(xmt360) on my 25yo white paint and got similar results, looked much better but not as shines as I wanted. Asked here and was directed to try ultimate compound. It made a big difference so I finished up with that one then applied a wax.
So definitely, spend the $10ish and get the UC and do a test spot.

I agree with the others that your paint is too rough for an AIO step. I would be using M105 or 100 or 101 with an orange or yellow B & S pad followed by M205 with a white pad.

Get the M101, take a look at all the different tools and pads we used with M101 in this thread and the results were nothing short of amazing... :)

Thanks to everyone who replied. The paint is definitely too rough for AIO. I hit it with UC and a Flat Orange Pad. That was a big improvement. Now that it's cleaned up the scratches are a lot more visible. The question becomes where to stop with a 15 year old DD? Perhaps in this case M101 may be too expensive. $ may be better spent fixing all the paint chips in the hood. Should I be happy with the results? Hit it with yellow pad and UC? or go all out for M101/205? Here's my test spot with the UC.

UC Test Patch - Center, Right, Top.

UC Applied to Right Side Hood
Noticeable difference with a compound step. Did you follow-up with DG501/601? I'm sure that will amp things up a bit on that hood now. As to your question, "How far to go?" that is entirely up to you and your wallet. I can sense the "sickness" is beginning to grow within you. ;-)
M101 is easier to work with... M105 can be very dusty and hard to work with... I would pick up some Ultimate Compound from your local autozone and try it out... it is basically the consumer version of M105 and is easier to work with from what I have seen.

I would totally recommend M101 over M105.
101 is a great compound .