Should I add this video to my website?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
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[video=youtube_share;MKVAZHRdPhk"]The Afterglow difference by Afterglow RV auto detailing - YouTube[/video]

I was wondering if you guys thought this would be an improvement to my website? I would put it on the website home page so it would be the first impression of me that the customer would see. The thing that people always like about my site is how simple it is. I tried keeping "simple" in mind when I made the video. Lets have a vote, should I add it or not?
Not sure what benefit it would serve as it is built?

The images are crisp and all, but If i might suggest:

the video doesn't accurately reflect the work involved (makes each step look easy enough to do yourself)..

45 seconds of your clip is your company logo (15 at the beginning and a full 30 seconds at the end).. shorten that down or add pertinent info like facebook page info or phone number or something.. 30 full second of just the logo is a bit much.

if you would add in a 50/50 to each segment, like show the beginning of the clip where you're scrubbing the seat, then a shot of the results in a 50/50 it would help get that wow factor as well as impart the amount of work involved in the details.

Clean a dirtier car for your video. That TL is already clean by some standards, it doesn't do a thing for the "wow" factor.

Sorry if I'm being harsh, like you said, customers appreciate simple and effective.. My suggestions will, I think, lend toward that.

Either way a short video embedded in the site can't hurt, right?
Thanks b&b. I'm waiting for more feedback.
fishincricket I like the idea of the phone number, I did not even think of that. It got long at the end because I was trying to sync the end of the video with the end of the song.
+2 I also think it would be nice on your site and I like your site.

Couple suggestions however.
I didn't care for window shaded text that described what you were doing. It took away from the actual subject.

I think the average person will not know what your doing claying the front of the car.. Why not show the clay pancaked out nice and clean then in your palm doing the hood then show the camera the dirty clay because it cleaned the paint.

Then the window cleaning thing. Yea of course yo do windows! Again the technique looked helter skelter unorganized. If you were to keep it in the video I'd suggest filming more of what you actually do rather poking around the glass for the camera.

Lastly you kicked a$$ on that white car but it's reflectivity isn't really shown because of the color. Why not use a darker color car?

Not meant to be overly critical but rather helpful.
Like everyone said before you made it look too easy for a client (i.e try to get video of working on something grimy then cutting to the end result).

I liked the video overall but I did have one peeve about it (although its nothing but nit picking). The song in the video repeated what seems to me about 3 times. Try to find something that will fir the whole length of the video.
make sure you include a shot of you wiping the sweat off your forehead with the sleeve of your t-shirt
+2 I also think it would be nice on your site and I like your site.

Couple suggestions however.
I didn't care for window shaded text that described what you were doing. It took away from the actual subject.

I think the average person will not know what your doing claying the front of the car.. Why not show the clay pancaked out nice and clean then in your palm doing the hood then show the camera the dirty clay because it cleaned the paint.

Then the window cleaning thing. Yea of course yo do windows! Again the technique looked helter skelter unorganized. If you were to keep it in the video I'd suggest filming more of what you actually do rather poking around the glass for the camera.

Lastly you kicked a$$ on that white car but it's reflectivity isn't really shown because of the color. Why not use a darker color car?

Not meant to be overly critical but rather helpful.

+THIS! :iagree:

Like the cyclo.... customers probably don't even know what the 'contraption' is. (That's a good thing!)

Also agree with cutting down the logo time. The end (and I realize you were working with the song, but you can always fade that out) you end up looking at a partial logo for ALMOST all of it. For the most part it looks like FTER GLOW. Wouldn't take it out at the end, but just pan and scan it differently, throw the phone number in (again) and shorten it.
very nice video, Usually people make videos that makes you headaches...
Fun video I would say.
Good luck with it =)
I like it.

I like the suggestions posted but even if you run with it and take a stab at a new one, this one is still pretty good. The music is good and it shows people what you can do for them.

Practice makes perfect, keep at it...

Thanks for the input. I was going to put it up and shorten the ending and add the phone number. I sat down with my wife (graphic designer) and she absolutely said no way is that going on the homepage. We have a very basic site and the template only lets you put it at the top of the home page.

Maybe next year I will update the site and make it a little more fancy with a video. As for now the wife is in charge and she likes clean and simple.
I like it. You did a great job.
But my 2 cents, maybe 1 cent......
I think you need to shorten it?
Think about the customer who is searching the web and looking at alot of websites.
Mc Donald's runs 15 sec commercial all the time and even back to back. But MD is the king of advertising, so food for thought.
Is it a commercial or a demonstration of what you do?
I love the way Joe of Superior Shine does videos, funny to the point and stunning. Search him on Utubbie.