Think I just had an epiphany...


New member
Nov 3, 2012
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I have been reluctant to even contemplate the possibility of
using waterless washes or rinseless washes. However, I watched ihaveacamaro youtube review of Pinnacle's WW.

Since my Lexus ride is basically a garage queen because of typical urban parking issues... I can walk or catch the bus depending where I'm going.
In other words, my car is usually just dusty and if I don't wash it the dust starts adhering to the horizontal portions, e.g., hood,

Then it hit me that the rinseless 2 bucket wash method would be
the ticket to just keep the car clean w/o the need to pull out the hose, etc.


Thanks for reading.
You can get by with Ultima Waterless and it doubles as a rinseless too!
Skip the 2nd bucket and just keep using clean towels. This is called the "Gary Dean Wash Method". Each towel has 8 clean surfaces (folded). Never "re-dip" your towel in your clean rinseless solution. You will save time (a lot) and use less product.

Wheels are still done best by conventional methods IMHO. I do those first with the hose.
Congratulations - the quality of life just went up for you. :dblthumb2:
Skip the 2nd bucket and just keep using clean towels. This is called the "Gary Dean Wash Method". Each towel has 8 clean surfaces (folded). Never "re-dip" your towel in your clean rinseless solution. You will save time (a lot) and use less product.

Wheels are still done best by conventional methods IMHO. I do those first with the hose.

Happily preempted.
I had a 1956 epiphany and this brings back memories....
Skip the 2nd bucket and just keep using clean towels. This is called the "Gary Dean Wash Method". Each towel has 8 clean surfaces (folded). Never "re-dip" your towel in your clean rinseless solution. You will save time (a lot) and use less product.

Wheels are still done best by conventional methods IMHO. I do those first with the hose.
