The Ultimate Guzzler - too big?


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Mar 7, 2006
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Is that towel too big for drying a midsize sedan? It is measured 28x54......
I'm currently using a 20x40 Supreme Guzzler.
supercharged said:
Is that towel too big for drying a midsize sedan? It is measured 28x54......
I'm currently using a 20x40 Supreme Guzzler.

It has the pockets, which makes it very easy to use.
I currently use the Ultimate Guzzler. I can dry the whole car and not have to ring it out once.
Meghan said:
It has the pockets, which makes it very easy to use.
:iagree: the pockets make it REALLY easy to use. I use it on my two door convertible which is much smaller than your car. I don't really think there is such a thing as too big a drying towel.
Well for me, I use two towels, one in each hand. A huge one, it seems, would wind up dragging water back on the car while you trying to work an area of the towel that was not saturated.
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This is the best WW towel ever. I never have to wring it out. It is so big
that it dries a large truck and still has room to dry more and is barely damp
when I finish. It is also sooooooo soft it's like a baby blanket.
fold it in 1/2 or 1/3rds as necessary. I frequently do this, since I blow the car dried with leaf blower, meaning not much water.