Questions about XMT 360


New member
Mar 13, 2007
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I accidentally posted this thread in the Show N Shine forum first. If any mods are reading this thread, please delete the other as I believe this is the appropriate forum.

I have a couple of questions about the XMT 360 All-In-One Polish.

I recently detailed my 4 month old Honda Accord with some Poorboys Polish with Sealant and really liked the results. That said, I really disliked the dusting and thought maybe to look elsewhere going forward.

I plan on polishing my cars paint going forward probably 2 times per year, mostly to clean the paint in prep for new applications of Souveran paste wax, but to also lay down some sealant and remove some minor surface scratching. That said, I have a few questions about XMT 360 that I hope a few of you can answer and share your opinions with me:

1) How abrasive is XMT 360? As I mentioned about, I will be using the product mainly for cleaing the paint, but I also would like the ability to correct some very minor swirls. However, I fully plan on having this car at least 7 years, and I don't want to go through my clear coat in that time, or ever to be honest.

2) What Edge 2000 pad is suggested to use and apply the XMT 360 product? The product recommends CC Pads, but I've got to assume that there has to be a recommendation for Edge pads somewhere.

3) Does XMT 360 Dust? As I mentioned earlier, I like everything about Poorboys Polish w/Sealant BUT the dusting. That really makes everything difficult, and all things being equal, I would love to remove this issue from the equation.

4) Can XMT 360 be used in the sun? I figure in the future I may only be able to work out in the sun at times, and it would be nice to know whether or not this product can be used in direct sunlight like the Poorboys products.

All comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
They will probably just merge the threads, but heres my response again just in case.

1. Id say its about XMT 1-2, depends on what pad you use.
2. No dusting.
3. Yes
4. Any pad, I used an Edge blue pad on the SRX I did this week. Just worked it in on speed 5 until it was gone. Really no buffing is required, just a quick wipe down. I used about a nickel size amount for every 2x2- 3x3 area. I was getting about 3 passed on the area and it was gone. Averaged probably about 3-4 min. per area, with slow overlapping strokes. I also used it on the tail lights and they came out great.
Brigg- may I ask what your application of PWS entailed? I've used PwS quite a bit and never had any dusting at all. Were your pads clean? Some people blame the product dusting on a dirty (or even new pad)... PwS is a mighty fine AIO that shouldn't dust and should produce very nice results.

Now that you say it, I don't remember much dusting from using it on my wife's car the first time that I tried it out.

I used it on a new Blue Edge pad. My guess is that I simply used too much product in the application, thus causing the dusting I guess. I first used Poorboys PWS on my wifes older car a few weeks ago with a White Edge pad with good results and almost no dusting now that I think of it.

That said, I was under that impression that pretty much all Poorboys Polishes had issues with dusting? I just real mad because although the product is great and the car looked fantastic afterwards, that I had to spend another 30 minutes cleaning up all of the dusting before I could get to applying my Souveran Paste wax.
Well someone had this probelm before with a new pad and they didn't wash it before use. Pad manufacturers shave the foam to get it into the shape and the result is pieces of foam that can get stuck inside the pad which could look like product dust.

PB products can dust but once you figure out the process that works for you, they won't. I don't prime my pads with anything except the product with the SSRs. Also, I use polishing pads, not sure if that makes a difference or not. It's hard to tell you an exact amount of product to use, but play around and be observant to see what works the best/easiest. I rarely get dusting when using the SSR line, and when I do it is because of a water drip from the mirror or something - water + SSRs do not mix :).

Dusting is a pain in the you know what. Every product, every car, every pad, every change in temperature & humidity can effect how a product works and you may need to take this into consideration when detailing. So you may have to play around a little to find the right techniques but I assure you a little more time will yeild the results you are looking for.