Help! - Neighbor garbage metal bed frame fell on my car


New member
Feb 20, 2013
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My not too smart neighbor put his old bed frames to the garbage and layed it there next to the fence. And because it was windy, it fell on my hood... I couldnt get the shots to reflect the actual damage, but I'm not sure if I should just try to repair it myself or take it to a pro and send him the bill.



Oh my!!

Any body damage?

No apparent body damage, just really deep scratches, almost like a squirrel decided to chew on the paint. :(

Ouch that hurts! What a knucklehead!

That one spot looks like its missing clear...

The pictures aren't too sharp for you to see, but I have a clear bra on it and it ripped. Gonna have to replace it as well I guess. Edit: Also car is really dirty, we had a lot rain and wind yesterday. Streets werent so clean from winter salt and dirt, so it all went on the car.

Bad luck steak, recently had some bad times, license issues, fined for too dark windows tint and "illegal" exhaust... and now this. All in the same month, never had a problem before.
Well that stinks! OTOH if the beds were on the sidewalk, I'm thinking you'll have a hard time getting the guy to pay for it. Were you on HIS property and had an accident it'd be different (just as if he were on yours). Public property however is going to be an issue.

Best to bring it up in a calm manor to your neighbor and see how he reacts. Hopefully he'll be a stand up guy about it. At least it's not huge body damage. :dunno:
Well that stinks! OTOH if the beds were on the sidewalk, I'm thinking you'll have a hard time getting the guy to pay for it. Were you on HIS property and had an accident it'd be different (just as if he were on yours). Public property however is going to be an issue.

Best to bring it up in a calm manor to your neighbor and see how he reacts. Hopefully he'll be a stand up guy about it. At least it's not huge body damage. :dunno:

I think you're right, it's not easy to claim repairs in a situation like this and also the damage isnt extensive, but it's ohhhhhhhh soooooooooooo frustrating! :bash:
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Hope everything works out for yoou.
Thanks for all your words, I'll wash the car this weekend and see if it's easy to fix. I'll probably post some pictures soon for advice.

Was the bed frame already there and you parked next to it?

Of course not, I would never park next to a bunch of garbage!
I wouldnt show that I was pissed.

I would get a professional quote of the damage. Then I would go talk to him man to man.

A lot of times neighbors are willing to work with you. If not THEN there is a lot of ways to fight this.

If it's just cosmetic damage, get a professional quote and ask him to pay it.

If you crashed into his car you'd be dragged under all these steps.
I am pissed, but just trying to do this as civilized as possible. I didn't get a chance to see him yet and didn't get the time to wash the car to see the real damage. Will probably see how much a professionnal repair cost. I doubt it's worth claiming insurance, I'll probably end up paying more in premium and franchise if the repair is sub 500$.
I doubt he is legally responsible and there is nothing you can do. Hed pay though, one way or another.
I can only speak for NJ. For insurance purposes since wind blew the frame into your car, it would be considered an act of god which is covered under your comprehensive coverage. I doubt you will be able to hold your neighbor accountable for this. You could talk to him and see if he will agree to foot some of the expense. On another note, sweet Beemer. I like those wheels !!
Generally, whoever owns the property is the one that is responsible for any damage done by anything on his property.
Generally, whoever owns the property is the one that is responsible for any damage done by anything on his property.

But if something is on the curb, isn't that deemed the city's property?

Which comes full circle. The sidewalk is not private property, yet the city is not responsible for items placed there by citizens. Classic "catch 22". IOW's that is why we carry comprehensive insurance coverage. :dunno:
Finally got a chance to clean the car and look at the damage. Doesn't look so bad, might be able to do it myself. The biggest surprise now is the new scratches on the car, not sure where it's from... snowstorms, snow/ice getting plowed/pushed on the car, towing, other accidental events?

Here's the pictures of the actual damage, not sure how to tackle it because it's near the edge of the hood and the fender.

I'll have to buy drColor to deal with random rash and some weird scratches on the door, will it fix a "chewed" like damage on the edge of the panel?

Ding on the hood

Scratches (looks and feels like a squirrel went on the chewed the edge)

Not too apparent from a distance, I would say limited damage?