Redoing my van finally.

Blue Diamond

New member
Nov 22, 2012
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Hey Everyone,

Been a while since I've been able to come and say hey. Just busy and not enough hours in the day to keep up.

Anyways, if this is the wrong place for this post I sincerely apologize and ask the powers that may be to please put it where it belongs.

For the guys who don't know me, I run both a shop and mobile, and for some reason I always seem to fall into that situation where their is always something I need that is either at the shop when I'm mobile, or vise verse so in my defense I like to keep my van pretty well stocked and supplied so those times when I am 100 miles from home swamped with show preps at some big car show, I have what I need just in case. You never want to get to a high end Customer and have to say "sorry, I am not able to do that today" if you can help it. In my case I also do big private tour buses and tend to go through chemicals so I like to have a small stock with me in case I need to refill as well. So yeah, my van is pretty full.

Now then, with all that said, I tried to put some serious thought into this layout to try to be complete, and easy to work with as I could.

First off my van is a 2002 Chevy 3500 Express. She is now equipped to run off both on site power and water, or fully mobile. The reason for both is many of my Customers offer both and if it is offered and I am not needing to lug water weight around, I am not wanting to waste fuel and wear and tear to do it. So I am flexible either way.

I also do not run a pressure washer as for what I do I do a lot of waterless, and where I do need water I find its not nessesary very often to have that much pressure so I just use a small 60 PSI transfer pump which puts out just a hair more than a standard garden hose spigot. The pump is very small in size and is run off 110 or the gen so less noise, less fuel, and less hassle.

I have a 4 way valve mounted in the van plumbed so I can hook up to a water source and am able to run a chemical dilution station which automatically dilutes 4 chemicals to fill bottles faster and more accurately, soap distribution to fill buckets as needed, tank fill for 110 gallons on board, spot free rinse filtration, and a regular hose for general washing and what not as needed. Again all of this can also run off the pump on board if needed for fully mobile. I have a medium size compressor and have my air, water, and spot free rinse all set up separately on different hoses run out of the side of the van in one convenient spot. I also have 200' of hose, and 200' of power cord so I can set up at a pretty good distance.

Me Extractor is also set up so it stays in the van, drains out the bottom, and I have a 25' hose to get where I need to go without moving machinery around. I also have a big shop vac which is mounted as well and stays in the van but is accessible for cleaning as needed.

All my buffers, bottles, tools, brushes, rags, and so forth are all in back and within reach without having to crawl around in the van. So here is a quickie diagram.

And on to the van.

Anyways, sorry about the long post. I just wanted to give a bit of insight to my methods of madness.

Go easy and I'll catch ya later.
I'm impressed! Very nice, indeed.
Wow, talk about 10lbs of stuff in a 5lb bucket. Well thought out and put together. Seems like everything within easy reach, like the fact that everything has a place and is in its place.
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Looks very heavy to me. Why are you carrying around all that concentrate?
I like to go with the lightest set up to save on gas.
Your van is nice but to me it doesn't look like your using your space efficient enough. But that's my opinion, I could be wrong.
Wow. That's a great setup.

Well thought out and well executed.

very nice setup.
I finally got my water tank ,pump and pressure washer setup this weekend.
Holy Smokes!! :wow:

A lot of thought and hard work went into this.....awesome! :props: