Can someone explain Cyclo?


New member
Apr 2, 2007
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What are its advantages if any over PC and Rotary?
I own a Cyclo and I only use it on "special" vehicles. So advantages over the PC, well it's a very firm machine and its own weight helps it perform (at least I think so). I find it better to work with, it's true. With the Edge pads it doesn’t vibrate to much, I've tried it with the Lake Country pads and it does vibrate a bit more. The advantage is that you can put a significant amount of weight on to the machine and it keeps on going. The motor will never "bog down" ever because it will constantly be spitting out constant power. You can put as much pressure as you want it will continue working.

Now compare it to the Rotary, well I don't know I don't think it compares...actually I find that the Cyclo has the capability of correcting more compared to the PC but in my opinion the rotary still correct better. So far I've only used the Cyclo when using such products like Menzerna Final Polish II or PO85RD...just to "jewel" the paint up. The Cyclo does a good a great job to jewel the paint. I still rely very heavily on my Metabo to do any kind of correction and when I have a buddy helping me out I'll use the Metabo and my friend will use the Cyclo...really good combo.

Justin is now using a Cyclo and he finds that it has helped him polish vehicles a little I said if you work the polish properly you will be able to brake it down a little faster....I personally have not used my Cyclo for any paint correction just to give the paint that extra POP!

This is just my opinion though, hope it helps. Overall I would rate the Cyclo 8 out of 10. Reason because its size does effected in certain areas, it's not that it won't do the job it's just that it will take more adjusting compared to the PC and the Rotary.