View Full Version : Foggy Audi Chrome Trim

04-30-2013, 11:18 PM
17676 I was finally able to capture a decent picture of this. I'm fairly new to detailing and this is one of the reasons I'm so keen to learn.

This is on my 07 Audi S4, I've tried some hand buffing and have also tried some aluminum polish as recommend by some friends on an Audi forum with no luck.

I'm not sure if these are water spots or what but I can't seem to get them out. Can anyone recommend something? These are visible more so when there's bright light - in this picture the camera exaggerates a bit. They affect all of the window trim and not just this spot.


05-01-2013, 04:56 AM
That trim might be like the Jaguar trim, it's stainless steel. Try a little stainless cleaner in an inconspicuous place.

05-01-2013, 06:18 AM
Hi, here's a review I did - maybe this would help, although I see you said you did try some aluminum polish. The trim on my BMW needed some help and this stuff worked great - might be worth a shot. Good luck!


Mike Phillips
05-01-2013, 06:39 AM
Here's your picture, much easier to see like this...


To me, that looks like anodized aluminum.

If that is anodized aluminum I've never in my life seen any product that will undo the ugly and restore a factory look.

Do a search on this forum for anodized trim and you'll pull up a bunch of threads...

Advanced Search (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/search.php)

If it's stainless then a good stainless polish will fix it. If it's bare aluminum, then any good aluminum polish will fix it.

In most if not all of my experience, if the trim is anodized, when you rub on it with a light, white aluminum polish and a white cloth you will NOT see black coming off like you would see with oxidized aluminum or stainless.

One of my best friend's owned a Sanger Drag Boat with anodized aluminum running gear and I learned from first hand experience that you cannot polish anodized aluminum to look clear, (not foggy), and bright.


05-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Thanks for the replies. I believe Mike is correct and it looks like it is anodized trim. In this case after more searching I can see a lot people with frustrations, and a few people that cleared it up, only to then have it get significantly worse (presumably by removing the anodization and exposing the aluminum underneath unprotected?). This might just have to be something I live with - thanks!

(PS - I did try again this am with my Aluminum polish and a light cloth and had nothing coming up on the cloth, which makes me believe it is anodized as per Mike's suggestion.)