Dust the bane of my existence


New member
Jun 18, 2012
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I feel defeated. Every time I wash and wax my car the dust monster rolls in... No more black cars for me after this one...
Only if the man upstairs could make dust in shiny black... but then again I guess owners of white cars would complain.
Yeah its a lose lose situation. Looks like people came and mowed the grass today. Looks like I got a fresh coat of pollen and dust.. Guess I better get some waterless car wash on order..
Thats ok. I will still drive a black car no matter what. Nothing is greater looking than black when properly done. Sure it may take a bit more time to maintain but your efforts are rewarded with the best looking color.
Smack there is no doubt about that. Maybe when my kids are older or im retired. Ill get another but this bad boy will be my last for a while. Maybe Ill go brown or tan and call it a day :)
I get a feeling no matter what the color of the car, many AG members will always see that layer of dust and would be bothered by it.

Ever since getting into this hobby, I only look at paint from 2 inches away. lol
Honestly I think it is Subaru that makes the best looking brown color out there. Usually I just think of older Buicks that look awful.
I get a feeling no matter what the color of the car, many AG members will always see that layer of dust and would be bothered by it.

Ever since getting into this hobby, I only look at paint from 2 inches away. lol

Get a Master Blaster. If the car is clean, you can blow a lot of it off. Of course, if you do this outside, anyone watching will think your nuts.
I get a fine layer of dust daily. I just use UWW and clean it once a day. takes maybe 20 mins to do the whole car and she stays nice and shiny most of the time.
Here are two quotes to live by:

" The true mark of a qualified detailer is his ability to maintain a black car "

" A black car is a full time job! "

I drive a 2013 Tuxedo black Ford Raptor, and I get a lot of "can you make my black vehicle look like that" business from people that sees it. It is a full time job but one of the best advertising marquee
I get a feeling no matter what the color of the car, many AG members will always see that layer of dust and would be bothered by it.

Ever since getting into this hobby, I only look at paint from 2 inches away. lol

I agree, i'll wash my car only to notice a thin film of dust after a day in the parking garage. Still cleaner than anything in there!
Ehh I live close to a main road plus with everyone doing yard work so its unavoidable. I just felt a whoa is me post was in order. Especially seeing as it was ohh so purdy last night.. hopefully I can get it in the garage soon.

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I agree, i'll wash my car only to notice a thin film of dust after a day in the parking garage. Still cleaner than anything in there!

And probably you were the only one that would notice that dust. Your neighbors would probably think, "wow what a nice shinny car!"

Most AG members are just OCD lol
I get ''How do you keep that black truck so clean?'' all the time, and I think it's dirty.

But Da**, they sure look great when they are clean and shiny!
Seriously... 2 seconds after I'm done washing and waxing my car, I see dust. I think I need to install a vaccum ventilation in my garage.... or some medication is in order. lol
I just turn on my air pressure the next day and blow it. Then after the drive I blow it again. That only lasted for about two days. Then it's just down hill from there till next wash.
Here are two quotes to live by:

" The true mark of a qualified detailer is his ability to maintain a black car "

" A black car is a full time job! "

I drive a 2013 Tuxedo black Ford Raptor, and I get a lot of "can you make my black vehicle look like that" business from people that sees it. It is a full time job but one of the best advertising marquee

I agree 100% Claude. Thats why I have two black BMW's. It is the best form of advertising besides word of mouth.