first DA detail


New member
Jan 14, 2013
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just waiting for my order to be delivered tomorrow with the rest of my supplies...this weekend I plan on starting my first ever detail with a machine..i have always done it by hand and recently decided to step up my game...I have all my supplies all planned out and have watched all the videos on here but was just looking for any last minute advice from more experienced detailers. thank you in advance and I will be taking pics during the process
Take your time, don't take shortcuts. Make sure to get that test spot perfect, then replicate over the vehicle.

Take pictures and bask in what you've done after you complete it.
Take your time, don't take shortcuts. Make sure to get that test spot perfect, then replicate over the vehicle.

Take pictures and bask in what you've done after you complete it.

Solid Info right there.

It takes just as long to do it wrong as Mike would say. So again take you time. Dial in your process on the test spot. Once that the way you want it then move on to you entire car.

Best of luck and most of all Have FUN! :dblthumb2:
the wife is away for the weekend so I have all the time in the world..i have been waiting to do this since I placed my first order back in april
Yep... all good advice here.
Don't put a time limit on your project and work in small areas. If you get tired, go rest, grab something to eat, watch some TV and recharge.

Most importantly.... work clean.

Have fun!