View Full Version : New address CopperHead Road - I hate snakes ;-)

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05-23-2013, 10:29 PM
Yup, just mark it down in your contact lists guys and girls. I've changed my address to 35 Copperhead Road.

Why 35 Copperhead Road you ask, well.... because that's how long the darned COPPERHEAD was that I almost stepped on in my garage today! Now we don't exactly live in the sticks. We are 2 counties south of Atlanta, custom homes, all brick, 1+ acre lots. Ours is just under 2 acres and backs up to a creek so I'm used to some livestock back there. But up HERE, in the freaking 3 car garage, OH Hewl NAW!!!

I had been using some Megs products cleaning up my monster grill. It's all stainless and needed its spring cleaning so I grabbed some degreaser, wheel brightener, and metal polish to work on that for a while.

So when I finished I went back to the garage to go put the spray bottles back, walked around the Denali (around the front thank goodness, because if I'd walked around the back it'd have gotten me FOR SURE) and hung the bottles up. When I turned around, just behind the RR tire was this 34" Copperhead that I'd almost stepped on.

HOLY CRAP! :eek:

I didn't have time to get any more (thick leather) gloves, so I worked it from under the Denali with a broom and managed to hold it down enough with one hand on the broom, my toe on it's back and then grabbed it (with my black nitrile gloves on which it'd bit right through). Darned thing almost got me TWICE! I first grabbed it where I've grabbed corn snakes and it was able to twist it's head completely around. It was PISSED by this time. After resituating my grip a couple of times, and the broom (the soft part was what I had on it, which wasn't holding a very angry copperhead too good at the time) I managed to get it right behind the jaws and put a good grip on it.

Putting it back in the brush wasn't an option. We have kids playing outside all the time and that's not gonna' happen. Plus as far as Copperheads go, this was a pretty big one. I think the biggest EVER recorded was like just over 4'. This puppy was just under 3' and that is plenty big enough for me. I knew I kept that machete from my teen years around for something! ;) No more Copperhead.... he shall we say, went to pieces over the whole ordeal. I did find out that even when the head was cut off about 2" back that it would still bite for SEVERAL minutes! :rolleyes:

So without any further adieu here is the *before* photo. You don't wanna' see the *after* photo. :laughing: (Just imagine the same thing, in 4 pieces.) :p

Setec Astronomy
05-23-2013, 10:51 PM
Holy crap!

05-23-2013, 11:00 PM
That Denali would need some major paint correction because I would have been leaping on top of it!

05-23-2013, 11:33 PM
Holy S! I would have needed to change my underwear if I saw that thing in my garage. I certainly wouldn't have grabbed for it. Maybe I would have gotten in the car and tried to run it over, or at least get is stuck under the tire.

You could have sprayed it with TRIX or IronX. That stuff smells bad enough to make the snakes want to leave.

05-23-2013, 11:40 PM
holy sh!t!

I would've called 911 or something, that thing is insane!

05-23-2013, 11:40 PM
Holy crap!

Oh crap was the least of the things I was thinking!

That Denali would need some major paint correction because I would have been leaping on top of it!

Except he was between me and the Denali! :eek:

I'm just so thankful that my Doberman didn't follow me out. She normally walks around the cars when I'm out there and as soon as I saw the snake I yelled back in the house, "GET THE DOG, GET THE DOG, GET THE DOG!".

Deb took the photo from the left side of the truck and I was standing just to the left of the snake. Didn't have time to get a ball bat, and didn't have my .45 on me. (plus shooting it in the garage would have just been STUPID... and blown a hole in both the snake AND my garage). The broom was behind my detailing cart so I grabbed it and was using the bristles to try and wrangle the snake from under the truck out into the driveway. Deb was running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to FIND the ball bat (that the boys had removed from the garage earlier in the day) so I didn't really have a decent weapon to bash it's brains out with.

By the time Deb came back with a street hockey stick I'd already managed to pick it up. Im the MAN

05-24-2013, 12:48 AM
Holy S! I would have needed to change my underwear if I saw that thing in my garage. I certainly wouldn't have grabbed for it. Maybe I would have gotten in the car and tried to run it over, or at least get is stuck under the tire.

You could have sprayed it with TRIX or IronX. That stuff smells bad enough to make the snakes want to leave.

I agree, IRONX and Sonex are ROUGH indeed. Both were outta' reach tough! :eek:

I've never seen one this big out in the open like that. I mean just to GET to the garage it had to cross 25' of driveway minimum.

holy sh!t!

I would've called 911 or something, that thing is insane!

I think I ended up being more insane. For the LIFE of me I don't know what brought me to pick the freaking thing up. Been watching too many snake handlers on TV more than likely. :rolleyes: I just knew that the broom I had wasn't cutting it, and it was trying to get to the front end of the 4Runner, once under there I would have had to chase it out. (Wasn't feeling that so much.)

Deb did end up with that hockey stick but darned if it wasn't getting angry by then. It'd tried to bite the broom several times and had spit at me. I figured I better man up and get it the hell outta there. What SURPRISED me was after I put my foot on it's head and when I first went to grab it behind the head (took my foot off) it turned around and darned near got me TWICE! I got lucky because in all the broom smashing, and it getting so pissed the right fang was still folded (or hung most likely) in the skin inside it's mouth. And those fangs were like ¼" long!!!

The last snakes I handled were Boa's and Python's and their heads don't bend around like this mean little sucker did. Nor do they tend to want to KILL YOU! :eek:

Deb went to tell our neighbor (on the garage side) and he said he killed one half that size last week. Maybe it was the mama, maybe a baby. I know this one was looking for something, and WAAAAAAY away from where it should have been. And it's EXACTLY where it should be now! chop chop chop chop

Crap, I just realized my heart rate is up just typing out the event. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Wonder how snake sushi tastes? ;)

05-24-2013, 01:07 AM
Holy hell. That's a massive copperhead. Sometimes I'm glad Iowa doesn't have any poisonous snakes. I love snakes but not when they try and kill you.

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T3 AutoDetails
05-24-2013, 01:22 AM

Wow fella...I would have needed more than just new underwear on that badboy. I'm TERRIFIED of snakes of any size and that would have made me faint! glad it worked out for you though.

05-24-2013, 01:33 AM
Lol would not touch.. Shooting is only option


05-24-2013, 04:27 AM
Yikes! A brick home on 2 acres, monster stainless grill and a denalli in

the garage would of meant nothing if that thing would of tagged ya!

Glad it had a good ending:-)

05-24-2013, 06:36 AM
Gosh. That is big for a CH. They are usually not too aggressive but when angered, they can get ugly. Diamondbacks have been known to bite through their own jaw to get to a hand holding them. Glad this worked out well for you... For the CH, not so much.

05-24-2013, 07:04 AM
I'm not a fan of snakes, especially poisonous ones, but I probably would have tried to dispatch it after I regained my wits.

Glad you got the situation handled without getting bit. Good job!

05-24-2013, 07:25 AM
Which is why I have a single shot 410 on the lawnmower

Kevin Cullen
05-24-2013, 07:44 AM
Detailing day would have been DONE! Running like a little girl to the gun cabinet would have been in the cards and a 20 foot pole to get it out of the garage.