Help me choose pads


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Feb 12, 2013
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Hey guys first off thank all u 4 all the help and kindness.
After AG's sale I'm on a tight budget for a bit. But i need new pads. Mostly cutting and polishing. Most of my work is from a dealer. But other jobs usually require compounding.
I've been using Lake countries CCS pads. I've got the yellow orange white and a few of the red ones I never use I also have been using the micro fiber Cutting Pads a lot for compound and polish. I've been using the same pads for a while now and need some new ones since these r going on 3 months old.

Here's what I need help with I need a pad that is good for production detailing that will hopefully last a good bit longer then the ones I have. I'm wondering if the microfiber pads if I could just get a few of those and use the cutting disc for compound and polish and the finishing pad for course finishing.
I've also looked at these micro finger pads called surbuf they seem to be a good bit cheaper and I'm wondering could I use those for compound and polish. Also foam pads of course what would be the best ones to get for longevity and price.
If foam is the best choice for longevity them which ones should I get flat CCS or hydro tech. I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible.
The Orange and white ones have done good so far for aio and the white has been good for polish to. But should i chose something else for polish something a bit softer maybe?

Please help me decide what type of pad foam (What type and colors) mf pads, or surbuf. If course i know i will need a few foams for a better finish, but what color and type?

What would be the best choice cost wise and for the life of the pad?
Thank u for any input..

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Microfiber pads are the bomb, but if you want to go a tad cheaper sense your on a "budget" and still get an outlasting pad go with meguiars soft buff, I had mine for over four years now and they still work as good as the day I purchased them. Those pads are well worth the money and good for those detailers on a budget they only come in around $9.00-$10.50
I'm using the pc.

So your saying i should use megs mf cutting pads for polish and compound. And get their soft buff for finishing?

Any other input

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The hydro tech pads and the hybrid pads are among the most popular as of late. The microfiber pads are great but they do require a learning curve and need to be cleaned. If your doing production the a polishing pad will be fine for you. You can get the Meg's soft buff pads but the are 7 inches which is larger than most pads. For the pc if u have a 5 inch BP then I would go with either the hydro techs or even the flat pads.

Are you using an AIO?
Most of the time i use megs d151. I been using the mf pads and i love them. The cutting disc is used all the time. I know they are good for polish and some compounds. I even use them some times with the d151. For dealership work it looks good. But i have been getting allot of 2 and 3 step customer jobs lately and just would like to have separate pads for customers vs dealership.
So I'm looking for the best choice in pads for production right now. Mostly used for aio or polish.
But would also need something i could use to compound with to.

So since I'm good with mf pads would they be the best choice for me in a budget (the cutting disc) for aio polish and compound.. 3 jobs one pad. And get a foam for finishing like on customer jobs?
If so is there a better mf pad than megs as far as price life span and cut?
And for finishing what would be the best option? Considering budget and my goal for them to last a long time (with proper cleaning of course).
What brand or style and what color?

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akj, that sounds like a plan honestly like you said it's best to seperate customer buffing pads used on projects with there cars and use your own on like your car ect.. I would go with what you listed above most definetely.
akj, that sounds like a plan honestly like you said it's best to seperate customer buffing pads used on projects with there cars and use your own on like your car ect.. I would go with what you listed above most definetely.

Ok so forget the surbuf pads? And get what listed, but what do i get for foam? What brand, What style (flat, ccs, hydro), and what colors? Say for a 6 pack of them? Keeping in mind I'm looking for low price and as long as a life as possible with a lower price?

Also i would like to have a few more agressive foam polishing pads to polish very light spider webs on my car.
I don't mind only using 1 or two pads for that and just cleaning after every other section i won't be In no rush in mine.
Or would mf pads be if even for that to just with the right technique and polish?

Mostly what foam pads should i get if i go with what i said above if i get a 6 pack?


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Bump.. any info on what foam pads to get since I'll be doing all the compound and polish with mf pads?

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Honestly you might want to get a few different pads so you can see what each feels like and what you like. The ones you end up liking you can keep and the ones you don't you could always put them up for trade and trade for what you do like.
Well I'm on a budget I really am only gonna b able to get 6 foams. I've got yellow orange white and red now. I love the orange for heavy polishing and compounding even 4 aios for the dealers. I use the white pads usually 4 polishing with m205 for some customers.
I never use the red ones.

But Im using the ccs pads and they have been only ones I've ever used so far and really there a bit expensive for my budget at this moment so what I'm planning on doing is getting the micro 500 pounds for all my compounding and polishing. and just have some foam pads for finishing and light polishing the thing is though I've only use the ones that I I don't know what other colors would be a good choice since I'm using the MF pads for most of my polishing. I would like to have some foam pads that would do real good on light polishing for a nice finish on customer cars.
I don't really need any pads for applying wax our sealants I usually do that by hand.
so I would like to know what kind of pads and what color would be good mostly for light polishing for a nice finish customer cars.
and again I'm on a tight budget so I'll only be able to get a six pack and would like to know what colors do y'all would recommend. I think the white polishing pad is a little too aggressive for a good finish and I don't know anything else about other pads like flat or hydro tech.

so basically the only question I need an answer now is on the foam pads what brand and what style and what color should I get in a six pack.

so give me some recommendations please keep in mind tight budget and I'm looking for long life and I think mostly just a good nice finishing foam polish pad. that is most importantly cheaper and good on life span. So what brand type and color if they'll only be used for light polishing and basically finishing before applying wax on customer cars only and well mine too
one that would go great with McGuire's M 205 ultimate polish or merenza sf4500

wow I didn't realize sorry that was so long but thanks for the help guys seriously

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Ok seems as though the flat pads would be best for a cheap budget. They are great pads and work great for the DA polishers. You would want the orange and white. Orange light cutting white for polishing.
34.99 for the 5.5" 49.99 for the 6.5"
Lake Country 5 1/2 x 7/8 inch Beveled Edge Pads 6 Pack, foam pad kit, build a kit, buffing pads, curved edge pads

What would I need orange and white 4 I've got the micro fiber cutting this for all compounds and polishing would not need something a little bit softer for for the final touch on the customer cars for use with real fine polishes? I was just think that orange for cutting and white for polishing could be done easily with the MF pads then all I would need is something softer for a final finishing polish very light cutting polish or even a glaze maybe

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