Not sure what I did??


New member
Dec 2, 2006
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For the most part since I became interested in detailing my car last August I have only been using wax and DQers to finish off my car. I use 2 buckets with grit guards, sheepskin mitt, and guzzler towels. Over time I got swirls but they are minimual.

Last weekend we had a nic e cloudy day so I finally clayed, then used DG 601 and 105 topped with Natty's Blue. Car looked great, was going to use a glaze but stopped as I saw no noticeable advantage.

My problem is when I look at the car in the sun at certain angles I see this type of banding. I have to get to the correct angle to see it reflect. I tried to take a pic but I need the sun to see the banding but the sun ruins the pic. It runs throughout the whole car!

I'm trying to determine what is the problem and what caused it. I never read that either DG product had abrasives. I used a slightly dampened terrry cloth wax applicator from Advanced Auto. Otherwise everything else stayed the same.

Are you able to tell me what is it and how do I get rid of it?

try a wipe down with a QD ...seems like you may have put in sorta thick...try wipeing it down again...natty's will streak if may 105 if not wipe of when dried to a do a wipe with a QD..see if that helps any..

Also did you wait at least 12 hours to put the natty's over the 105..105 needs to setup and cure before being topped or you may push the uncured sealant around

Thanks for the response Al. I did wait 12 hrs. But I may have put Natty's on too much. It felt like I was going to the tub of Natty's a little often. I have two DQers - AW and Crystal Mist, you think either will do fine?
