Poorboy's: What's the shelf life...


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Jun 17, 2011
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As the title says: What's the shelf life on Poorboy's products? Just curious. Compounds/polishes, but was mostly thinking about PwS and their liquid waxes and sealants.

Never tried any of these products and need some info to put in the back of my mind.
Any product will last a long long time so long as you store it correctly.
As "cleanmycorolla" stated it really depends on proper storage. Wild temperature swings will greatly affect the shelf life of any cleaning product.
Any product will last a long long time so long as you store it correctly.

As "cleanmycorolla" stated it really depends on proper storage. Wild temperature swings will greatly affect the shelf life of any cleaning product.

Comments noted and understood...I've seen these same comments mentioned numerous times on the forum and I keep my products inside. Thanks for the input as it's always nice to have information like that for folks that may read this thread into the future.

However, there seems to some issues with at least one products shelf life, whose name I see no reason to mention because most forum members who've been around for awhile know what brand I'm refering to.

My questions was specifically asking about the shelf life of Poorboy's products, and I will add to my question, if stored correctly. (I'm not planning on buying a 16-32oz bottle and letting it sit. I'll buy a sample size first to see if I like the products, but it would still be nice to know if there are any shelf life issues.)
Comments noted and understood...I've seen these same comments mentioned numerous times on the forum and I keep my products inside. Thanks for the input as it's always nice to have information like that for folks that may read this thread into the future.

However, there seems to some issues with at least one products shelf life whose name I see no reason to mention because most forum members who've been around for awhile know what brand I'm refering to.

My questions was specifically asking about the shelf life of Poorboy's products, and I will add to my question, if store correctly. (I'm not planning on buying a 16-32oz bottle and let it sit. I'll buy a sample size first to see if I like the products, but it would still be nice to know if there are any shelf life issues.)

I won a box of sample bottles 16 months ago, so I have a wide base of products. So far, no issues.

When I was detailing out of my van I had issues with a lot of products separating and thinning to the consistency of water because of the high temperatures that my van saw when locked up in the summer heat. Of the Poorboy's line of polishes, PWS and SSR2 were the only ones that were unaffected by the extreme heat. PWS stored in my house on the shelf in a gallon sized container lasted over 2 years before it separated and had a cottage cheese like consistency that wouldn't shake back to normal. I think that's not too bad considering some other brands separated after about a year on the shelf in the house.

Meguiars products stay very consistent in extreme heat, that's why I worked to master the use of 105/205. I never had to toss a bottle of Meg's compound/polish because of heat damage.

Back on topic, I wouldn't be afraid to grab up a quart or pint of PWS. You'll love the stuff once you start working with it for a while. No other AIO product that I've used creates such POP in metallic paint.