Need help gentlemen...


New member
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
A very good client brought this to me and I need advice whether its fixable or not. Even just enough to diminish will help.

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Looks like a curb scuff? If so more than likely it will need to be fixed by a wheel refinisher. A friend of mine had his Maserati wheel scrapped when a lady hit his car. He called around to see how they fix it at dealership and he got the name of a guy and had him come to his house and fix the wheel. It will need to be smoothed out with a grinder then refinished.

Hope that helps
Its not deep. Fingernail catches. Not Mich more though. Seems as if there's a clear coat on the whole wheel. He's anticipating an answer soon whether or not he's gonna order a new wheel. Trying to save him some money and show off some skill.

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You can try fixing it yourself by sanding down the area, then using something like bondo to cover up the area. After it dries you would have to sand it down to the contours of the rim, then go ahead and paint it a matching color, and clear it.

Not an easy process but i just thought id tell you that you can fix it, but its not easy. You can also run to problems like the paint not matching and all sorts of other things.
It's pretty much what Evan said. You could just clean it up yourself, but unless you have the experience to repair it, it'll still be visible. There's plenty of mobile specialists who do this sort of repair all day. Here's an example I just found randomly in my local area: Moblie Wheel Repair, Rim Repair, Lease Returns Guaranteed 2 Pass. I'm sure there's someone similar in your area who could do this. It appears to be a minor scuff so it shouldn't take long to repair - he definitely doesn't need a new rim.
This is why I love the AG community. Its a band of brothers. I've only ran into a few competitors however most detailers enjoy having another in the community. I know I do. Thanks guys.

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I have a mobile guy I call to fix my customers rim with curb rash. The cost is anywhere between $125-$175 a wheel.
Its not deep. Fingernail catches. Not Mich more though. Seems as if there's a clear coat on the whole wheel. He's anticipating an answer soon whether or not he's gonna order a new wheel. Trying to save him some money and show off some skill.

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Three words: Know your limitations. If you're not skilled in wheel repair, then think twice before risking it. Don't get in over your head just to gain a few brownie points - the risk may not be worth the reward. For example, I would not think of wet sanding and compounding out someone else's car. My ability to do it is not in question, but rather my ability to do it proficiently. Under the right guidance, and with the right skills, experience, and knowledge would I be prepared to tackle such an undertaking. Please don't think that I'm automatically telling you not to attempt fixing this at all, but that you should be extra cautious when approaching such a task for the first time. That way we won't see a thread titled, "I messed up a customer's wheel! Hellppppp!!!" :props: