First Paid Detail Tomorrow!

KJW Detailing

New member
Mar 20, 2007
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97' Mitsubishi Eclipse with 150K on the Odometer - Black Ext. with Tan Interior

The car as a whole is in pretty bad shape...borderline terrible. It's a girl's car whom i work with at Lexus...she wants a full-detail but i'm not sure if i will go that far for her (only b/c i dont think the results will come out that great and i dont want to get her for her money...she's a good friend)...

So my plan of attack for the time being is a full interior detail and then atleast a wash and wax on the exterior...the interior has many different stains from your general dirt and grime buildup, to tanning solution being spilled on the seats, to rain water leaking in during a heavy honestly not sure of how the interior will come out, but we'll see! The exterior is another had oxidized paint, and areas where the clear coat has been lost, and in other areas their are just bizzar stuff on the paint...

Tomorrow morning i am picking up her car at work...i will work on it b4 work and then delieve it to her at work...(thats when she leaves for the day and my day begins at work)...I will take plenty of pictures of both the interior and the exterior...

I will probably ask you all for your opinoun on what i should try to do with the exterior...

Good luck! Im not sure I would bother polishing without a PC on a car in that condition.
Do you have a rotary? If not, time to use your pc with some menzerna power gloss compound!! Good luck!
I would wait until you can get another PC, than I would do a full detail and charge her nothing, bc than you can sucker her into a date......
haha audakota i would be all about ur idea but being that she has a not sure that would work well...

yes my PC is out of comission right now and i am waiting for a new one...although i can get my hands on a rotary at work...but could i use that with the XMT line? on the other hand i could use the products we have at work...

i will make sure to take pics of the exterior and then through everyones help here i can come up with some sort of determination about the exterior...
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I think you could use XMT with a rotary but I would expect the working time to be very short with a rotary.

And boyfriends are only temporary, a nice swirl free finish for $0.00 might drop pants like a fruity drink on the beach......
haha...well this bf is practically perminant...haha...but i guess u never know...
fine fine fine than charge the crap outta her and buy yourself some more stuff from AG.
Yeah, XMT doesnt work too well with the rotary. Breaks down too fast from what Ive heard. Dont have any experience using it with a rotary myself though.
can anyone give me any advise on useing Megs APC Cleaner on carpets and cloth...i have never cleaned cloth seats i need some help in the process of doing this!
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i know that part but what about the process...should i spray the seat and then scrub or spray and allow the solution to set in and then scrub?

also, its 10 parts water to 1 part APC right?
Just spray and scrub. 10 parts water to 1 part APC.
Here are a few shots...i could have taken so many more to truely show how bad this interior was but whatever...

the first few are of the exterior...its going to take some work to correct this...o and can anyone let me know what i should do about the area's with the white marks...i think its the clear coat pealing away...

ok well the comp is being stupid so pics will have to wait until later...the interior came out alot cleaner, although i wish it would have came out cleaner but i guess i cant make a 10 yr old car with stains all over it come out perfect...the girl who's car this is was amazed and thrilled to have a clean interior!

First, the Megs APC worked great...even though i didn't feel like it was doing anything to the seats, the after pics show a slightly different picture!

Second, there is a stain on the back seat and after cleaning it, it actually looked im not sure if that was b/c of it being wet or whatever...anyone have any idea why this could happen?

Third, what do you guys do for the tough to reach area's or the tight spots?

Thanks! i'll work on getting the pics up!
Before - (remember i haven't worked on the exterior yet just interior at this time)
like i said this car was terrible and im not sure what more i could have done...but i am open for ur thoughts on the job i did and any further insight on what i can do to make it better!

Man that is one dirty vehicle...I wonder how a Little Green would do on those seats. I just purchased one and I'm looking forward on using it on seats and carpter.

Question, did you do anything to the areas where the clear coat is gone? The only thing I can suggest is go very light and not to aggresive...what you got there is basically no clear coat and just the more aggresive you go the more paint you remove...I got a vehicle that I got to do coming up. Looking forward on doing it...keep us posted what you do to the area.
i have green but i was worried it would be too strong...i showed the girl and whe was like OMGi didn't expect it to be this i was happy...i would have liked it to come out better but im not sure what more i could have done to the interior...

as for the exterior...well the areas with a clear coat will need XMT #4 for not sure what i will do to the areas without clear...maybe use XMT #1 or 360...or i might not touch it at all...