Optimum ONRWW and Spray wax incompatible with Collinite?


Active member
Mar 3, 2013
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So I posted this about 4 weeks or so back trying to see if there were any incompatible issues with the Collinite 845 and the ONRWW and their Spray Wax. Yesterday I called Optimum and no answer. So I emailed them and got a reply today stating that they dont test other companies products with their own products. So even Optimum says they dont know.. What would I be looking for to see if there was an issue when using Collinite?

What I used already was Opti-seal and then I was going to top it with Collinite845 later, but couldnt find anything on it. So I have been using the ONRWW as a QD when needed and using their Spray Wax after washing. I want to throw a coat of Collinite 845 over it, but cant find anything on it.. If Im stuck using Optimum stuff and I cant throw a coat of liquid or paste wax over it, I'll stop using the ONRWW and Spray Wax.

Thanks guys.
If Opti-Seal is anything like BFCS you can top it with a nuba or Collinite #845, why not just try it and see how it goes?

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Well thats it. I dont know what I would be looking for, in terms of if it is not compatible. Also, Im not that worried about Opti-seal. Its the ONRWW that I use as a QD or maybe even as a drying aid, and the Spray wax incompatibility..
Well thats it. I dont know what I would be looking for, in terms of if it is not compatible. Also, Im not that worried about Opti-seal. Its the ONRWW that I use as a QD or maybe even as a drying aid, and the Spray wax incompatibility..

don't see what would be 'incompatible'.. do you have 845, ONRWW and the Spray wax?

to echo Klasse Act, test spot?

I don't think, these days, that various companies products are that particular, except for Zaino, regarding using only their products and no one elses...

There may be benefits to sticking with one line - synergistic compatibility some may say - but you're talking about a sealant over a sealant - if it goes 'wrong', strip and reapply. I've used various spray waxes/WW's over an 845 sealed surface with no ill effects.

You're good with Optimum products, collinite 845, or both. Quality stuff.
I sandwich Collinite 476 between Opti-Seal and Optimum spray wax and it looks great. The 476 just sits there and does all the heavy lifting and the OCW works as my post-wash touch up wax because it's so easy to apply.

So I posted this about 4 weeks or so back trying to see if there
were any incompatible issues with the Collinite 845 and the ONRWW and their Spray Wax.

Yesterday I called Optimum and no answer.
So I emailed them and got a reply today stating that they dont test other companies products with their own products.
So even Optimum says they dont know..

What would I be looking for to see if there was an issue when using Collinite?

What I used already was Opti-seal and then I was going to top it with Collinite845 later, but couldnt find anything on it.

So I have been using the ONRWW as a QD when needed and using their Spray Wax after washing.

I want to throw a coat of Collinite 845 over it, but cant find anything on it..

If Im stuck using Optimum stuff and I cant throw a coat of liquid or paste wax over it, I'll stop using the ONRWW and Spray Wax.
If you want to "reverse-engineer" the incompatibility issues...

Collinite says something similar to Optimum's above reply in their FAQ's: FAQs » Collinite


4. Can Collinite Last Step Products (LSP’s) be used in conjunction with an alternative brand sealant?

"Between producing, pouring and shipping, we’ve yet to conduct testing with all the sealants
out there (too lengthy to list), so this practice cannot be formally recommended.

However, sealant + Collinite LSP layering is a common method among Collinite aficionados.
Call us with specific questions or check out reliable online forums with inquiries".

There should be no trepidation about using ONRWW, or OCW,
for maintenance of a vehicle wearing:
Collinite #845-atop-OptiSeal


Thats what I want to do too. But since I laid down spray wax I can still go over with collinite or maybe hit the paint with Iso. Mix then collinite.
I used 845 topped with Optimum spray wax and it worked just fine...I have yet to match a sealant with the same brand wax honestly
Thats what I want to do too. But since I laid down spray wax I can still go over with collinite or maybe hit the paint with Iso. Mix then collinite.

I don't see why you can't top either with either. They're both Carnauba-based. At the very worst, you will maybe remove some of the spray wax while applying the Collinite since it involves mechanical effort, but I suspect it's minimal and you can always re-top with the spray.
I top opti-seal on my truck with 845. I use spray wax once a month as maintenance (optimum). I also wash with ONRWW every week.
All products work best on a clean surface. Polymer products actually bond to the surface while wax basically just sits there. So the standard practice of sealant then wax should make sense because the sealant needs to be applied to a clean surface and wax doesn't need bare application. The puzzle is with hybrid products that contain both sealant and wax in one product. Because one of the jobs of a sealant is to prevent contaminants from bonding the topper than needs to be applied to a clean surface, or the high solvent content of some products could very well inhibit the necessary bonds needed for durability.

So, since Opti Seal is a pure sealant it will need to be first. If 845 is a pure wax it will sit atop OS just as well as it would bare paint...but if it has added polymer sealant you may see durability reduced. Washing either (OS or 845) with No Rinse Wash & Wax or applying OCW should not have any negative effect because both are pure waxes with no solvent or sealants.

If you see streaking when you wash or QD with No Rinse Wash & Wax, just use two towels to dry/apply and that'll fix the streaks. When washing use one to remove most of he water and a second dry towel to buff the remaining solution to a high shine. For QD application use one towel to spread the product over the panel and a second (dry) towel to buff the residue to a high shine.

I'm sorry you've had so much trouble finding your answer, but we really don't test other brands products. Maybe some comparisons...but not compatibility. The best place to find these answers is from your own experience or on this forum from other's experience. I don't see possible "compatibility" issues from the products you mentioned...but, there should be a proper sequence of sealant before wax...and you may loose some durability if topping a sealant with another sealant or hybrid.
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I have used both. I actually had a question similar like this a few years back pertaining to 845 and Opti Seal. The bottom line? I wasn't impressed with Opti Seal any more than if I just applied 845. The difference was that OS you just wipe on and done. I still have an almost full bottle of OS and never found a reason to use it again. Just my opinion, of course.
Hmm... Thanks guys.

I need to find a carnuba paste or liquid wax. I think and actually damn looks like it, but it hides some scratches that I have on my truck.
Hey Anthony,

I don't see a compatibility issue with any of these products.

Collinite 845 believe it our not is a very nice carnauba wax and when first applied does temporarily fill minor swirls and like defects but like I said, it's just temporary.

While Optimum no rinse was and wax is a good product I put it very low on the durability poll. All of these products are temporary, they're normally used for those quick washes and shines when a thorough wash & wax isn't possible.

Optimum Opti-Seal is among the top in clear sealants. I like to apply 2 coats of clear sealant 12 hours apart then a coat of Collinite 845 a couple of days later....without any adverse affect that I'm aware of...

my 2 cents.....