How do you apply Wax on top of a Sealant?


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Jun 30, 2013
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I applied a coat of sealant to my car last week after washing, claying, buffing, etc. My question is, how do i prepare the car for a coat of Swissvax Onyx wax? I can't clay the car again and I can't use Swissvax cleaner fluid because it will disturb the sealant.. Is a simple wash good enough preparation for the wax?
Yes, your sealant is cured by now. Just wash/dry and wax.
If you are applying a wax after the sealant has cured meaning you never drove it and garaged while curing, a quick wipe with a QD before waxing each panel is good enough.

Edit: Woops didn't see you did it last week. A quick wash is good enough or a rinseless depending on how dirty.
I applied a coat of sealant to my car last week after washing, claying, buffing, etc.

My question is, how do i prepare the car for a coat of Swissvax Onyx wax?

I can't clay the car again and I can't use Swissvax cleaner fluid because it will disturb the sealant..
Who told you that you couldn't clay the car again;
or, not to use SV Cleaner Fluid?

BTW: What does disturb the sealant mean?

Is a simple wash good enough preparation for the wax?
Depending on how the sealant feels when utilizing the "Baggie-Test"...right after the wash/dry session...
I may decide to lightly polish with a very fine abrasive polish. Hard to say without being there first-hand.

I can't use Swissvax cleaner fluid because it will disturb the sealant..
Sorry to rehash this...
But according to SV's product description:

SwissVax Cleaner Fluid.
-A non-abrasive paint preserving solution containing heavy polishing oils that will nourish and refresh the paintwork and is non-abrasive.
-Removes Swirl marks :confused:, light scratches :confused:, tree sap and tar spots and perfectly cleans and nourishes the paintwork surface.
For factory new or repainted paintwork or used paintwork with light scratches only.

Swissvax Cleaner Fluid
An advanced paint preserving solution containing heavy polishing oils that will nourish and refresh the paintwork and does not contain abrasives.

Cleaner Fluid has to be applied before the first Wax application and easily removes swirl marks :confused:, light scratches :confused:, tar spots and tree sap as well
as old wax and other residues and provides a smooth and perfect surface as an essential basis for the wax application.
The application of Cleaner Fluid is an absolute must before the first wax treatment.

Please note:
Before the wax is applied for the first time, it is imperative that the paintwork is pretreated with Cleaner Fluid Regular.
Otherwise the wax will not bond with the paintwork.

We're not worrying about any bonding to paintwork, in your case OP...
I would think that "bonding" to the cured-out sealant would be of a greater concern.

I don't know about you, OP,...
But this thread-starter poser of yours has given rise to a dilemma, or two:

-Do I follow/not follow: SwissVax's explicit products' application instructions;


-As you alluded to early on: Simply wash and wax.
(What SwissVax product warranties will you breach by doing so?!?!)

Kinda takes the FUN away from what should be a most enjoyable process...IMHO.

Your turn now...Thanks.


I was just under the impression that if I were to clay the car or use the cleaner fluid that it would remove the sealant.

I might just wait until the sealant's life is up and go wax only.
If you apply the sealant last week you shouldn't have to clay again just wash and wax done.
I don't, I just want to properly prepare the car for the Swissvax wax without removing the sealant.
No reason to clay it again, just put that wax on the paint after a good wash:)
Waxing your car right after you washed it will work just fine. The only thing you have to worry about with sealants is giving them a proper cure time which you have and the only reason you have to wash is to ensure you don't induce and marring or swirls into your paint do to surface contaminates.

There seems to be a lot of people here who IMO are way too worried about having the most optimum conditions and the moon in just the right phase in order to apply a product. Most products, especially waxes, are not going to just fall right off. Trust me, even if you do have some embedded material after a week (you don't), it is NOT going to impact the performance of the wax.

Good luck, Swissvax makes some great waxes!