Cleaning/protecting rubber and plastics


New member
Jul 13, 2013
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I've read a lot of great information here and on the AutoGeek store site about general detailing. I think I've got a good grasp on handling wheels/tires, paint, and glass. That being said, I feel like I'm missing some info on cleaning and protecting rubber gaskets and plastic trim pieces on the exterior of vehicles. I've got some questions....

1) Do you clean/protect these prior to washing the vehicle?

2) If you apply product to the pieces after washing, how do you keep these off of the painted surfaces that you've just cleaned? Do you tape them off?

I've got a couple of pieces on my car, as well as my wifes that certainly need a bit of care... I'll have to post some pictures later this afternoon.

Any information that you guys could provide as to the order of steps and general cleaning process would be appreciated.
My personal way is to wash the car first then use an APC to clean the plastics/ rubbers then I use a MF cloth to apply my chosen protection. Only because I personally find it easier than with an applicator. If any gets on the bodywork then I just use a clean piece of the cloth to wipe it off straight away before it has time to dry.