Tile floor and grout cleaning help


New member
May 15, 2013
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Hello All,

I need some help. I'm looking to clean my bathroom tile and grout. It was sealed after install and it's just the grout tinted grout is discolored from hard water and daily dirt staining. It's been almost two years.
I heard the home remedies and read good and bad reviews of retail and commercial products on the market. So any proven method would be a huge help. It's not a good time to dump out some money out on products that are touch and go on reviews.

Thanks in Advance
I used something years ago but forget what it was...

I know one thing for sure, if you have any type of scrubbing to do I'd find a way to let the machine do it. I just machine hand scrubbed and then machine scrubbed the vinyl tonneau cover on the 32 Ford that's here for an article.

Did one side by hand and one side by machine and when I was done I had to redo the hand side by machine to get it as clean!

I have a pc but no brush attachments. I don't think the PC would clean it with a MF pad and I'm certain my MF pad would not respond well. Right now it's looking like it's gonna be done by hand.
The majority of the tile is not bad it's just the high traffic area.
Bleach is your friend, and a good grout brush. Check out wallmart in the cleaning supplies area with the mops. a mild scotchbrite pad is good for soap scum, the Mr. Clean eraser's are good also but you will go through a lot of them. do not forget to re-seal. I still ahve a bottle that has done 3 applications. all my walls/floor in the master bath are 14in tile.
Hi there,

This is something that I have addressed at my work. There are a couple of companies that specialize in tile and grout cleaning.

1. Miracle Sealants
2. Aqua Mix

Here are some links for you.

Miracle Sealants Company

Aqua Mix® Grout Deep Clean | Custom Building Products

Home Depot carries miracle sealants.

Another effective way for grout is Oxy Clean.

Thanks for the tips guys. Keep them coming. I still have enough sealant to do the tile again. I just have to get the dirt out without changing the tint in the grout otherwise the tiles look great.
I am also interested in this thread, as I have a TON of light colored tile and grout in my store, and it takes a lot of effort and time to keep them looking up to par the way I want them. It can be done now, but I am always looking for better ways and suggestions.

Freshly sealed, looks great. This however did not last and it was a PITA to get off.
For about a month the floors looked like this, and remained shiny and wet looking, it looked great. Then the sealer started to come off, and it looked horrible, like someones peeling back after a bad sunburn (if you can picture the splotchy look)



This takes tons of effort and time to keep them this way in the store, I am looking as well for a great grout cleaner and sealer to keep them looking bright and clean.

Sent from my futuristic Apple device while in my office doing nothing.
Try a janitorial supply outlet.

Granted, in a commercial situation, a power washer IS used, but maybe they have a 'magic' product to use in lieu if a power washer that will fit your needs.

A steamer can also work really well. I also am a huge fan of oxi clean.

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I have a bit of experience here...Since you didn't mention a steamer I assume you don't have one. I always custom mixed my own cleaners using a Simple Green base; some caustic soda (lye); and something to bubble/increase the dwell like Oxi Clean, hydrogen peroxide or even Dawn. Obviously this isn't for everyone, so the commercial janitorial store is a good rec.

Caustic cleaners like above will degrease and remove dirt very well. The hard water stains and other "restroom mishaps" respond better to acidic cleaners. I used oxalic acid, but vinegar works well too. You MUST neutralize after an acidic step though. No matter how much you rinse, the acid will stay in the grout and eventually eat it away if you don't neutralize. This can be as simple as a baking soda scrub afterwards. A grout brush works wonders though a toothbrush is fine too.
A $100 steamer from the hardware store would make it pretty quick work. If that's not an option, play around with some chemicals as the others have said. Let the chemicals do the work, scrubbing it all won't be fun!