Migliore Endurance Quick Detailer

tuscarora dave

New member
Aug 21, 2009
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Hi AGO members,

I'm trying to dig up some basic opinions on this specific product based on actual user experience. I'm not interested in what someone has read about it or heard about it but rather what those who use it think about the product and whether it will fit the bill for my client's specific needs.

A little background about the car it will be used on and what the client would like to see from a QD.

The client is the owner of the 2003 10th anniversary Cobra Terminator that I showcased here last week. He is more of a lurker and doesn't wish to post to forums in general.

His paint is finished as flawlessly as I could make it in the 12 hours we had to do the work. I could have done a SF4500 jeweling session and achieved a slight increase in gloss had we had the time, but he regularly applies Poorboy's Black Hole and one of the Natty's Paste waxes to the car so it looks as glossy as it can be realistically speaking.

Hard water is his problem, so he doesn't ever wash the car with water. He never drives the car in the rain and the car stays under a cover when not being driven so it rarely has anything more than a very light dust on the car. he lightly dusts the car off with a California Duster then QDs the paint to remove the rest of the dust and light fingerprints that the California Duster doesn't pick up.

He's been through a lot of different QDs and finds that some don't really clean finger smudges well so there's a need to rub more against the paint. Then he's used QDs such as Poorboy's QD+ that contain a good amount of carnauba in them that require more wiping to clear up the wax residue. Price is not a concern here and he won't use his water to mix anything at all. I did however remind him that Walmart has distilled water for around 88 cents a gallon.

He is looking for a happy medium between the two that will easily wipe off removing the lightest of dust and light fingerprint smudges without leaving behind a heavy amount of protectant that needs to be buffed off. Pretty much a spray on and wipe once or twice and clear product is what he wants.

So what say you Migliore Endurance QD users? Is this the product for my client?

Thanks in advance for any replies and if you have suggestions for a better product to meet his requirements, please take the time to post the product name and why you think it would be best for his needs. TD
Hi TD...
No Migliore QD user here...
[Just wondering how this client of yours went from Poorboy's to Migliore products...mere ¢¢¢>>>BIG $$$ :D]

I've used a sample of Poorboy's Spray & Gloss "QD" before with excellent results.
Might be worth a shot...
Especially if he's looking for a "QD" that has the benefits that go along with containing "gloss-enhancers".

The kind of benefits that polydimethylsiloxane fluids with
refractive-indices of ~1.4 provide.


I've tried (and use) several QDs for different "occasions". Sounds like your guy is looking for something he doesn't have to mix (no waterless wash types) and what I call "a non-finicky" type QD.

Then, he actually wants to use it to remove fingerprints and some stuff. So, he then wants what I call a "water heavy" QD. Something that is closer to a waterless wash, not something super concentrated.

I've never used the Miglior stuff. But of all the QDs I've tried, the 2 that come to mind are PB's Spray & Gloss and Prima Slick. FK 425 fall into this category for me as well, but some find it finicky.

I'd have to say PB's Spray & Gloss is the "least finicky" QD I've tried. Its almost impossible to leave any types of streaks with it, so, less buffing. Just wipe it off.
Great replies guys!!

I actually recommended that he place a small bottle of Poorboy's Spray&Gloss into his cart with whatever QD he chooses to try out, as I've been through gallons and gallons of it and it seems to fit the bill.

Thanks for the replies.

Please keep the recommendations coming!!
Hi TD...
No Migliore QD user here...
[Just wondering how this client of yours went from Poorboy's to Migliore products...mere ¢¢¢>>>BIG $$$ :D]



I think we all tend to gravitate toward the flashy marketing, Regal packaging and high prices as the highest perceived quality of products.

This is his pride and joy and he doesn't mind spending for the highest quality as long as he is actually getting that highest quality product for his money, hence this thread to attempt some research on what's flash, hype and what's actually the right product for his needs.
Hey Dave!

Maybe take a look at DG951(fast and clean detail spray)

Easy to work with spray and wipe,plus it will boost the gloss.
Hey Dave!

Maybe take a look at DG951(fast and clean detail spray)

Easy to work with spray and wipe,plus it will boost the gloss.

Thanks for the reply Tim!!

That was actually my first recommendation to him as I was correcting the paint on his Cobra. His reply was UUUUuuuhhh....it's a little on the cheap side isn't it....?..

Just goes to show that flashy packaging and brilliant marketing campaigns aren't everything. :props:
Here's a couple more I use:

-Last Touch
-Final Inspection

-Gloss Enhancer

-Top Inspection

And one I haven't (gotta wait for my rich Uncle to get out of the poor house first):

Nano Express Quick Refinisher (Quick Detailing Fluid)


Another option worth considering is Poorboy's Spray and Wipe - reasonably good cleaner, and since it doesn't leave any wax or protection behind (per product claims), it's pretty much streak-proof - I actually use this on my windshield a lot, where any streaking would easily be seen.
If he can get the distilled water, ultima waterless wash. It cuts through grime or fingerprints better than a QD, is super slick, and smells great. It doesn't streak unlike some QDs, and I feel safer using it on bird bombs than a QD.

By the way Dave, how would you classify the terminator paint hardness? I need a reference point since that's the only car I've polished.
I am using Migliore Endurance QD. I basically use it for small area of quick detailing to remove light dirt from a well waxed garage queen after a short drive.
It evaporates after a couple of wipes leaving behind nothing. But I do not use it for an overall quick detailing of a car because the bottle is small. :o
I once used it after polishing to remove polish residue but to me it did not work well compared to another QD.
So I think the Endurance QD does less help in terms of cleaning of residue-type contaminants that I mean including fingerprints.
For your client’s intended use I think FK425 is the one you should go to. Once you detail a car with FK425, it is easier than ever to wipe off light dusts. :laughing:
I find both M135 and DG951 super-easy to use. They do a great job of removing light dust & fingerprints, with no streaking.
By the way Dave, how would you classify the terminator paint hardness? I need a reference point since that's the only car I've polished.
Typical Ford hardness, not extremely hard but far from soft. I'd call it medium hard.
I have about 20 different brands of quick detailers, and i just tried today Prima Slick on a black Chevy Trailblazer . This stuff is crazy good. I am impressed!
NO doubt that Wolfgang Instant Detail Spritz will meet his needs. It flashes off VERY quickly and leaves a super slick and glossy finish with no chance of streaking on black paint. Truly an incredible product.