What is better than UPGP?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
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I need a good sealant that is as easy to apply as Ultima Paint Guard Plus (UPGP), which means it should be a WOWA (Wipe On Walk Away).

I don't care for the looks of Opti Seal or Gtechniq Sealants. Didn't like Reload either. I like Duragloss a lot but they are not WOWA.

What are professional detailers using these days for the latest in Sealants that are as easy to use and yet as good looking & durable as UPGP?
For WOWA, try Blackfire Crystal Seal or Wolfgang Deep Gloss Seal
IMO you are not going to find anything easier or as nice/durable as UPGP. Besides the two mentioned, you pretty much covered everything. Oh, and there's Zaino Clear Seal.
Of these three, UPGP, WG Liquid Seal, Optimum OptiSeal, I would say personally, that UPGP seemed the best of the three and also a little bit more "Oily", and a bit more difficult to apply, only because one might have a tendency to more easily over-apply it. With all of them, if over applied, none seem too difficult to simply go back with a plush MF Towel, and wipe, and level-even.

At least that was my experiences. The WG Liquid Seal works nice, quite easy, never tried the Blackfire Product, but many here like it mucho.

I could probably ramble some more, (till the cows come home! LOL) all of them I like, and I do very much like UPGP. Ultima, IMO makes some very good products. Nice products to have in one's arsenal-bag of tricks. And as well, the good Dr G, and Max also make some really nice goodies. Buy them, and have them all is what I say! :-)

But, if you want to take such protection to the next level, with a somewhat "economical" WOWA "coating", maybe try the DP Paint Coating?

I would assume from the properties, and said claims-attributes of this product, that it should outlast any of these other WOWA's, and by these more durable qualities, it might actually be a better bargain, and money more wisely spent in the long run. (If so, do seriously consider the pre cleaner prep they make to go with this brand new coating product they introduced)

Hope my ramblings-thoughts have helped.
I never realized UPGP was WOWA. How durable is this stuff? I might have to try it out, even though I have way too many lsp's already! But who doesn't, right?
What are professional detailers using these days for the latest in Sealants
that are as easy to use and yet as good looking & durable as UPGP?
This Professional Detailer: Barry "El Presidente" Theal..."endorses" Migloire products (or is it: Migliore endorses Barry Theal?).
Think: Migliore Presidenziale Carnauba Wax
-Migliore Cima Sealant is a WOWA sealant.

Just curious...
-Does CarPro Hydro2 "Touchless" Silica Sealant count?


This Professional Detailer: Barry "El Presidente" Theal..."endorses" Migloire products (or is it: Migliore endorses Barry Theal?).
Think: Migliore Presidenziale Carnauba Wax
-Migliore Cima Sealant is a WOWA sealant.

Just curious...
-Does CarPro Hydro2 "Touchless" Silica Sealant count?



I would say Hydr02 is in a class of its own. I haven't seen anything like it before from any other car care company. I have yet to try it though, I will soon.

You have any experience with it, Bob?
I would say Hydr02 is in a class of its own. I haven't seen anything like it before from any other car care company. I have yet to try it though, I will soon.

I believe Permanons Platinum hit the market first and quite similar in design and function, more expensive.
This Professional Detailer: Barry "El Presidente" Theal..."endorses" Migloire products (or is it: Migliore endorses Barry Theal?).
Think: Migliore Presidenziale Carnauba Wax
-Migliore Cima Sealant is a WOWA sealant.

Just curious...
-Does CarPro Hydro2 "Touchless" Silica Sealant count?



My understanding is that they made and named a wax after him (of course in cooperation with him), but now Barry is actually a dealer of 3D products - they don't have a WOWA product though :D