I'm done with detailing


New member
Jun 24, 2013
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I was rushed to a heart hospital on Tuesday while at a visit with my heart doctor being I was falling down every now and then, it happend while doing my exam.
Well it wasn't the heart, come to find out after a lot of test they found my lower back is really messed up, spine compressed which has many nerves pinched, reason for falling.

So a surgery will be done very soon.
I can't work, can't detail cars, just sit or lay down, no walking.

I'm still be a Geek though, he can't take that away.

Reason I tell all of you this is to enjoy each day as if it's your last.
Keep up the detail, I'll new back one day:dblthumb2:
:( I don't like this. Good luck n your recovery! Still a geek at heart!!
I hope everything goes good for you!

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Sorry to hear this

Hope you get better real soon.

What caused this?
Gee , that sux mate ! Take it easy man . Get back on track soon .
I had back surgery for a compressed nerves. I wasn't having loss of movement or numbness, but a lot of pain. I was walking around line Quasimoto for a while. Anyway, that was about 10 years ago and it all came out fine. You'll be back on no time.
Doctors still trying to figure it out but my past back surgeires from years past could have failed.

I hope I'll be taking care of my car and truck real soon.

Sorry to hear this

Hope you get better real soon.

What caused this?
Thanks for all the good wishes, it sure lifted me up :)
So you know where I'm coming from.
It sucks now but for now I'm happy to be back home and reading the forum:dblthumb2:

I had back surgery for a compressed nerves. I wasn't having loss of movement or numbness, but a lot of pain. I was walking around line Quasimoto for a while. Anyway, that was about 10 years ago and it all came out fine. You'll be back on no time.
Very so to hear :( Please make sure you get a second opinion before you have surgery please.
I hope you have a speedy recovery.... That's awful to hear about detailing. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't detail- probably go crazy!!
So you know where I'm coming from.
It sucks now but for now I'm happy to be back home and reading the forum:dblthumb2:

Everyone is different, but in my case its like nothing happened, and it was over 10 years ago. I have no limitations or pain what so ever from the surgery.
If you have to have a fusion, make sure they use your own Stem Cells.

Google Autologus Stem Cells Spinal Fusion
Great advice, on my last surgery many years ago they took bone from my hip for the fusion.

Thanks for caring enough to post it. :dblthumb2:

I enjoy detailing so much, love making videos to put on YouTube too.
For now I'll help others who may just be starting out, at least I'll feel I'm giving back :)

If you have to have a fusion, make sure they use your own Stem Cells.

Google Autologus Stem Cells Spinal Fusion
I was rushed to a heart hospital on Tuesday while at a visit with my heart doctor being I was falling down every now and then, it happend while doing my exam.
Well it wasn't the heart, come to find out after a lot of test they found my lower back is really messed up, spine compressed which has many nerves pinched, reason for falling.

So a surgery will be done very soon.
I can't work, can't detail cars, just sit or lay down, no walking.

I'm still be a Geek though, he can't take that away.

Reason I tell all of you this is to enjoy each day as if it's your last.
Keep up the detail, I'll new back one day:dblthumb2:

I feel for you. I am out of work right now with bulged disc L4 L5. I'm in the same place can't do much of anything. I am mobile but can't do much. The slightest little tweek sets off the pain. I do cheat here and there.I 'm not as bad off as you but it sucks. I am due for my first round of nerve block shots this week. Keeping the faith that it works. If it goes bad on me again spinal fusion for me
I can only urge if you have not gotten one. Please get a second opinion.
My wife had two back surgeries. She has a degenerate disc condition. All her discs will go in time.
After a long battle with pain management and a prescribed medical narcotic addiction she is finally better. She is back running again. She is no longer overweight. The second surgery came after the birth of our daughter. That's when we found out about her condition.
I know many people who have come out of surgery with spectacular results. I also know many who have had many issues like my wife.
I can only urge you to seek second opinions when it comes to your back. Be informed on all the latest procedures. It's not something that can be easy choice and there are many possibilities of lasting side effects.
I live in South Jersey right outside of Philadelphia. I drive an hour to see my surgeon and pain management doctor into the sticks of NJ not for the sight seeing but because they are the best orthopedic back specialists are the best in SJ.
Keep the faith. We are all pulling for you. I wish you a speedy recovery. I know sitting around is not fun. Movies, video games and board games pass the time with my family. Try and stay sane I know it's not easy.
Thanks for your concerns.
While in the hospital I had two other doctors who came talked with me amd all agree.

Good luck with your issues too mate.

I feel for you. I am out of work right now with bulged disc L4 L5. I'm in the same place can't do much of anything. I am mobile but can't do much. The slightest little tweek sets off the pain. I do cheat here and there.I 'm not as bad off as you but it sucks. I am due for my first round of nerve block shots this week. Keeping the faith that it works. If it goes bad on me again spinal fusion for me
I can only urge if you have not gotten one. Please get a second opinion.
My wife had two back surgeries. She has a degenerate disc condition. All her discs will go in time.
After a long battle with pain management and a prescribed medical narcotic addiction she is finally better. She is back running again. She is no longer overweight. The second surgery came after the birth of our daughter. That's when we found out about her condition.
I know many people who have come out of surgery with spectacular results. I also know many who have had many issues like my wife.
I can only urge you to seek second opinions when it comes to your back. Be informed on all the latest procedures. It's not something that can be easy choice and there are many possibilities of lasting side effects.
I live in South Jersey right outside of Philadelphia. I drive an hour to see my surgeon and pain management doctor into the sticks of NJ not for the sight seeing but because they are the best orthopedic back specialists are the best in SJ.
Keep the faith. We are all pulling for you. I wish you a speedy recovery. I know sitting around is not fun. Movies, video games and board games pass the time with my family. Try and stay sane I know it's not easy.