View Full Version : Best way to remove these hard water marks on my car?

08-26-2013, 10:11 AM
So the whole driver side on my car was blasted and I have these nasty marks everywhere. I can feel the texture when I was washing it with a microfiber mit so I assume they are on there pretty good. Since a normal wash won't do any good, what do you recommend I do?

I was told to first see if white vinegar can get rid of it, then try claybar. After that would be some paint cleaner then polishing.

I am not sure if the vinegar should be diluted or what specific products to get if that fails.

Here is one pic I have that shows it but ignore the scratches and focus on the bottom of the picture.


08-26-2013, 10:12 AM
I would try a light polish on a white pad and go from there, after all the necessary wash and decontamination steps of course.

08-26-2013, 10:17 AM
I would try a light polish on a white pad and go from there, after all the necessary wash and decontamination steps of course.

I have no idea what polishes are light and the what the differences between pads are nor do I have an orbital buffer. I am basically completely new to this and have no idea what specific products are good for it.

08-26-2013, 10:21 AM
I have no idea what polishes are light and the what the differences between pads are nor do I have an orbital buffer. I am basically completely new to this and have no idea what specific products are good for it.

Noted. lol, sorry I jumped the gun on my response.

Alright give that section a wash, once it's clean follow up with using a clay bar to remove bonded contaminants. From there I would inspect the surface to see how bad it is. I never tried vinegar before so I can't comment on that, but you could get yourself a small bottle of Meguiars scratch X and a soft foam applicator to polish those areas out.

Something like this

ScratchX 2.0 is a WOW! - YouTube

That should clean up some of the scratches in that area, although most of that hood looks like damage from throw rocks from other cars.

Detailing by M
08-26-2013, 11:08 AM
just did a very hard water spot removal
I used Meg's new Water Spot Remover. Worked great. better then M105
Do go get some of that at your local Parts store.
It also left a great finish.