DI Resin Regeneration : Anyone Try It?


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Mar 3, 2011
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I'm wondering if anyone out the with a CR Spotless or any other de-ionization system has have tried to regenerate the resin?

If your not familiar with this, apparently you can regenerate the resin using muriatic acid and lye. I'm not necessarily asking "how" to do it, as there is enough info out there.

I'm basically asking how successful it is and how precise you have to be with the chemicals to make the procedure work out.
Nope, never tried it. You do know that people have been buying fish tank resin or something at a lower price than the CR replacement?
I built my own system last year and regenerated the filters around 3 times. the first time I did it, I seperated the anion from the cation, so now they are in seperate canisters, so the regeneration is a lot easier since I don't have the extra transfer steps... works pretty well, as in I still get 0ppm water out of the filters, you just need to flush them out well at first to get all the lye/acid out.
It is very difficult to regenerate mixed resins since the two types of resin require different chemicals to treat them.

There are sources of bulk mixed resins available to industry. The company I located here in SoCal has cardboard barrels of mixed resin. Each barrel weigh nearly 125 pounds. I didn't buy one since I would be dead before I used all that.

Maybe I should get a few and repackage it in smaller drums and sell it on Ebay?:work::laughing:
I built my own system last year and regenerated the filters around 3 times. the first time I did it, I seperated the anion from the cation, so now they are in seperate canisters, so the regeneration is a lot easier since I don't have the extra transfer steps... works pretty well, as in I still get 0ppm water out of the filters, you just need to flush them out well at first to get all the lye/acid out.

Any chance you can share the plans and pics? and a DIY How-to?

That could be a fun project!
Any chance you can share the plans and pics? and a DIY How-to?

That could be a fun project!
I've been wanting to start a thread about my kit, but time and motivation are lacking right now... guess I'll have to find the time!
I've been wanting to start a thread about my kit, but time and motivation are lacking right now... guess I'll have to find the time!

I'll second that motion sir.:dblthumb2:
There is a decent amount of info out there how to do it, but the thing that isn't clear is exactly how much lye and acid to use. I'm not sure if this is critical or not. Everyone is working with a different amount of resin, but there doesn't seem to be a way of quantifying how much chemical to use for how much resin you want to recharge.

I guess I'll have to try it and figure it out. From what your doing chemically, it doesn't seem like you could use too much lye or acid. I'm using a CR Spotless, so I'm using mixed be resin and have to separate the anion and cation, then put it back together. I'm just wondering if its worth the hassle ??
when you add the lye, one will sink when depleated, and the other will float once recharged fully, you seperate them, then add the acid, when it's starts floating, it's recharged as well..